- distribution of gas and water 气水分布
- In this paper, the operating feature, distribution of gas and forming mechnism of liquid film of Falling film multitubular tower are discussed. 介绍了降膜式多管湿壁塔的操作特点,气体分布和液体成膜的机理。
- Distribution of reaction zones affects the heating value of producer gas and the rate of gas generation, as well as tar content and particulates. 气化炉内之反应区分布状况不但会对产气热值与产气率产生影响,同时也会影响焦油与粒子之生成量。
- The Sebei loose sandstone gas reservoir has many layers characterized by thinness, interstratified gas and water, greatly different pressures of gas layers, andstrong anisotropy. 涩北气田疏松砂岩气藏层多、层薄、气水间互,各层压力差异较大,非均质性强;
- Formation damage can be prevented by reducing differential pressure, using aerated drilling fluid, choosing the lowest over balance pressure or reducing the interface tension of gas and water. 采用减小生产压差、应用气体或含气钻井液、合理选择最小过平衡压力或减小气水界面张力的方法,可以预防和减轻地层损害。
- Yesterday I got my gas and water bills. 昨天,我收到了燃气和水费账单。
- The experimentation inspected the infection of hydraulic load, organic load, ammonic nitrogen load, the ratio of gas and water, the height of filling to removal efficiency of COD and ammonic nitrogen. 本试验以自配生活污水为试验用水,考察了水力负荷、进水有机负荷和氨氮负荷、气水比、填料层高度对曝气生物滤池处理COD和氨氮效果的影响。
- Are gas and water laid on in the new building? 新大楼里煤气和水安装好了吗?
- Can you sell me a gallon of gas and loan me a can to carry it in? 你能卖给我一加仑汽油,并借我一个装油的铁罐吗?
- We can not occupy the new house until gas and water are laid on . 我们要等煤气和水接通后,方能移居新屋。
- Faults and diapir develop widely and influence the distribution of gas hydrate. 盆地广泛发育断裂、底辟构造,影响着水合物的分布。
- simultaneous production of gas and water 气水同产
- simultaneous production period of gas and water 气水同产期
- I can't live this life of milk and water. 我过不了这种平淡的生活。
- The model quantitatively describes the influence of gas production, gas drainage radius, gas pay thickness, and permeability, etc. on highness and distribution of water cones. 建立了底水气藏水锥高度与分布模型的求解方法:假定气相流动为平面径向流并不考虑气相非达西流动,可以求出模型的解析解;
- Using T2 spectrum distribution to analysis the actual stratum,and distinguish between oil,gas and water layer. 并利用T2分布谱对实际地层进行分析,区分油、气、水层。
- There was a large cloud of gas and dust. It contracted by its own gravity. 有一团旋转的气体及尘埃,在自身的引力作用下开始收缩。
- Concrete is made of cement, sand, stone and water. 混凝土是由水泥,砂子石头和水混合做的。
- The distribution of the magazine is 2000. 该杂志的销售量为2000份。
- A liter of gas has less mass than a liter of water. 一公升气体的质量少于一公升水的质量。