- element distribution in time and space 元素时空分布
- They are there, in time and space, but I am timeless and spaceless. 它们存在于时空,但我既不属于也不限于时空。
- distribution in time and space 时空分布
- The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. 宇宙学把有形的宇宙当做时空中的各种现象的总和来研究的科学
- VOICE: So God is not just some aloof cosmologist, distant in time and space. 因此上帝不是一位在时间和空间上远离的宇宙家。
- This paper analyzes the distribution of the basalts of the Indo-Chinese epoch in time and space in the eastern Gejiu by means of comprehensive basalts corrlation column and isometric line. 作者应用玄武岩系柱状对比图和内插法作等值线的方法,分析了个旧东区印支期玄武岩的时间和空间分布情况。
- Our constants could vary both in time and in space. 我们的常数有可能在时间与空间中变化。
- The chronostratigraphic framework model clearly shows that sediment-filling history and distribution character in time and space for terrigenous sequence of the Upper Member of Eh3 in research area. 陆相层序地层等时框架模式清晰地显示了研究区下第三系核三上段的沉积充填史及其沉积层序时空展布特征。
- In this paper, the distribution of the Tertiary magmatic rock in time and space, the relationship of rhe magmatism with oil/gas accumulation and the trap type related with magmati... 本文利用物探和钻探成果,对岩浆岩的时空分布、岩浆活动与油气聚集的关系及圈闭类型作了分析,并认为,本区的岩浆活动对油气聚集来说,利大于弊,西湖凹陷中南部的岩浆岩发育区是油气勘探的新领域。
- Despite the difference in time and space, both statements smack of nationalism, sounding similar on both occasions. 时空虽有不同,却有相同的民族主义的意味。
- Operation can be expensive in terms of time and space. 操作在时间和空间方面的花费会很大。
- Despite the difference in time and space,both statements smack of nationalism,sounding similar on both occasions. 时空虽有不同,却有相同的民族主义的意味。
- Four horror stories occur in sequence connected by time and space. 四个恐怖故事顺序发生,被时间和空间来连接。
- More precisely, culture has been defined as the consistent recurrence of an assemblage limited in time and space. 比较确切地说,人们把文化解释为在有限的时间和空间里一个集合物始终连贯的重复出现。
- A rather orderly development in time and space of the 1979 Coyote Lake, California, earthquake sequence was analyzed in detail. 本文详细分析了1979年美国加利福尼亚凯奥蒂湖地震序列在时间和空间之中发展的非常有序的过程.
- In the inversion, we improve the stability and reduced the multi-solution by introducing the regularization factors in time and space. 在反演过程中,通过引入时间和空间正则化因子来改善反演的稳定性,减少反演的多解性。
- Cosmology:The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. 宇宙学:把有形的宇宙当做时空中的各种现象的总和来研究的科学.
- He came in time and helped me out of trou-ble. 他及时赶到并帮我摆脱了困境。
- In other words, the frequencies of those waves should be constant in time and space a priori. 换句话说,那些波的频率根据推断在时空上是常定的。
- Pay customs duty in time and lawfully. 按期缴纳海关税款、依法纳税;