- The cement-stabilized bess has a distinct regional characteristic. 水泥加固黄土具有显著的区域性特点。
- Violin prodigies, I learned, have come in distinct waves from distinct regions. 据我所知,小提琴神童明显地来自于个别地区,且人数众多。
- The archaeological cultures at eastern Guangdong region have distinctive regional features, and the trait and subsistence of those cultures is varied in different periods. 摘要粤东地区全新世的考古学文化具有鲜明的地方特色,不同时间的古文化在文化面貌和生计方式上存在着明显差别。
- The suburbs Agroecosystem is a kind of ecosystem of distinctive regionalism and unique function. 城郊农业生态系统是一类区域性鲜明、功能独特的生态系统。
- In geographical terms, the sea bed can be divided into two or three quite distinct regions. 按地理学的观点,海床可划分成二个或三个大不相同的区域。
- In metal lubrication two distinct regions are recognized: boundary and hydrodynamic. 在金属的润滑作用中存在两个不同区段:边界和流体区。
- Plumbic-glazed Pottery was popular late in the southwest, and showed a more distinct regional characteristic. 西南地区铅釉陶流行较晚,且呈现出比较鲜明的地域特征。
- They all reveal a sophisticated level of metal ting technologv and are decorated in lively, distinctive regional style . 他们展示了高超的金属铸造工艺水平及生动鲜明的地区装饰风格。
- "Village enterprises" are floorboard of enterprises build on rural which developed earlier in China but experienced twisty and have a distinctive regional characteristics. “村中企”是兴建于农村中的企业总称,其在中国发展较早,但历经曲折,并具有明显的区域特征。
- By the compositive effect of above-mentioned factors, riverine “breath”takes on distinct regional and seasonal features in the drainage basin. 河流“呼吸”作用由于受上述影响因子的综合作用表现出很强的地域性和季节性。
- The Nirvana images of the Liao-Jin period from the Central Plains and North China have a common age but fall into two distinctive regional types-eastern and western. 摘要中原北方宋辽金时期涅槃图像,具有时代共通性的一面,同时呈现东部地区与西部地区的地域差异。
- With a territory as large and a history as long and complex as China's, it is inevitable that distinct regional differences in cuisine have evolved over the course of centuries. 象中国这样幅员辽阔、历史悠久而又复杂的过国家,千百年来必然会形成具有鲜明地方烹饪特色的区域性菜系或帮菜。
- She had a distinctive appearance. 她的外貌与众不同。
- Thomas Cooper Gotch was a British painter well known during his lifetime for his distinct regional style.He studied in France and Italy in his early years. 高奇是英国著名的区域风格画家,曾游学法国和义大利,后期以象徵手法专研年轻女子蜕变成熟女性的心理过程描绘。
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- The native music retains with distinctive regional and national features, It gives the large traditional culture pour into vigour with lively vitality and researchable sense of Cultural anthropology. 作出本土音乐为小传统文化,是民族区域文化重要组成部分的定位,并提出它的文化学意义。
- The political struggle of the late Ming dynasty is considered to be the fiercest and complicated one in the Ming dynasty, of which the most important character is its distinctive regional feature. 摘要明代晚期是整个明代政治斗争最为激烈的一个阶段,浙党、魏忠贤阉党、东林、复社,彼此之间的政治党争呈现错综复杂的形势。其中,鲜明的地域性派别成为晚明党争的一个重要特征。
- Storms spring up easily in this region. 这个地区很容易发生风暴。
- Mozart's style is quite distinct from Haydn's. 莫扎特在风格上与海顿截然不同。