- The result of model test is almost consistent with the result of UDEC(The Universal Distinct Element Code) and the in-situ circumstance. 模型试验研究的结果与现场及离散元数值计算结果基本吻合。
- The Distinct Element Method(DEM)is a discontinuum-based numerical method especially applicable to solve the discontinuity problems in jointed rock mass. 离散元法是基于不连续性假设的数值方法,它特别适合于求解节理岩体中的非连续性问题。
- The movement of hard roof in manless working face extraction has been simulated with three dimensional distinct element code for dividing into four stages. 分4个阶段模拟了无人工作面开采坚硬顶板采场顶板的运动规律。
- The stability of the jointed rock slopes is analyzed by means of the universal distinct element code(UDEC) in which the strength reduction method is included. 摘要将通用离散元UDEC与强度折减法结合,对含多结构面的岩质边坡的稳定性进行了分析。
- Using modified distinct element method, simulation research is conducted on top coal movement at fully -mechanized working face in No2 Coalmine of Dayan Coal Bureau. 用改进的离散元法对大雁矿务局二矿综采放顶煤工作面顶煤活动规律进行模拟研究,分析支架围岩作用关系,找到顶煤丢失原因。
- A composite is any material made up of two or more distinct elements. 复合材料是指有两种或更多不同元素构成的任何材料。
- Fixed and rotating smeared-crack models based on a deformable distinct element method were developed to analyze the fracture of quasi-brittle materials such as concrete and rock under tension. 为进行连续介质到非连续介质转化的数值模拟,实现结构破坏过程的仿真分析,将固定和旋转的弥散裂缝模型与变形体离散元方法结合应用于混凝土、岩石等准脆性材料的受拉开裂过程分析。
- Pertaining to data in the form of distinct elements such as characters, or to physical quantities having distinctly recognizable values. 说明以各不相同元素的形式表示的数据,例如字符,或说明具有明显可辨认数值的物理量。对照analog。
- three dimensional distinct element method 三维离散元
- This masterplan for a 600-acre site on the Caribbean isle of Nevis comprises two distinct elements: a luxurious spa resort and a range of deluxe private residences. 尼维斯岛上的加勒比海岛的600英亩场地的总体规划设计包括两个区分明显的部分:一个奢华的疗养休养所,一排豪华的私人居住住宅。
- three-dimensional distinct element code (3DEC) 三维离散元程序(3DEC)
- Additional, the psychological element in the design, sexual distinction element already more and more be alluded. 另外,设计中的心理元素、性别元素已经越来越被提及。
- Three- dimensional distinct element code ( 3DEC) 三维离散元程序(3DEC)
- 3-D deformable distinct element(3DEC) 三维可变形体离散元(3DEC)
- 3D deformable distinct element method(3DEM) 离散元(DEM)
- Its most distinctive element is the “flying carpet” canopy roof, with aluminium blades designed to diffuse natural light inside. 其最鲜明的部分就是“飞毯式”天篷屋顶,通过铝叶片散光,让室内充满自然光线。
- Mozart's style is quite distinct from Haydn's. 莫扎特在风格上与海顿截然不同。
- 3D deformable distinct element(3D DEM) 三维可变形离散元
- Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other. 这两种观点截然不同。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。