- Methods The research is based on distance transform. 方法采用基于距离变换的方法进行路径抽取。
- This method include 3D Euclidean distance transform, computer the Hessian matrix in every voxel,and visibility test. 主要步骤包括:三维欧几里德距离变换,求Hessian矩阵,可视化检测几个步骤。
- The salience distance transform incorporates edge strength information into the distance transform. The output is more robust and informative as input for techniques such as snakes (译):距离变换的显着优势力量整合信息到距离变换。
- Euclidean distance transform is one of most useful distance transform algorithms. It defines the distance of the line between two points in the space. 其中,欧几里德距离转定义了空间两点间的直线距离,它是一种最常见的距离转换方式,在相关领域中,尤其在图像处理中,它的应用十分广泛。
- Finally, with the step-by-step scheme, we implemented the fast hardware algorithm for Euclidean distance transform based on two-dimension images. 最后,根据硬件算法的实现原理,本文采用stp-by-step的设计方案,选择相关硬件,实现了一种基于二维图像的欧几里德距离转换算法电路。
- This paper proposed an efficient method to store 3D images in the texture of graphics hardware.A parallel 3D distance transform algorithm based on GPU was implemented. 为此,研究了将3D图像数据有效地组织到纹理中存储的方法,设计并实现了基于GPU的3D距离变换并行算法。
- Firstly, we changed the implementation scheme, which is oriented on software for Euclidean distance transform, to an easy design of hardware with the calculationcomplexity of o(n2). 首先,根据实际应用的需要,本文将基于软件实现的欧几里德距离转换算法改为基于硬件实现,并保持其计算时间o(n~2)不变。
- Most existing algorithms of three dimensional distance transform are extensions of two dimensional approximate Euclidean distance transform algorithms such as the city block/chessboard. 常见的三维距离变换算法大都是对城市街区、棋盘等二维近似欧氏距离变换算法的三维扩展;得到的依然是近似欧氏距离.
- Transform a colorized image(the original image) into a gray image(then second image) and then transform then second one into a distance transformation image(the third image). 保留的彩色图像用于特殊情况的处理及以后特征向量的测定。
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- First, the distance transformation is performed. Then the initial path is obtained by computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix. 在距离变换的基础上,先利用hessian矩阵的几何意义找出中心线的大致形状作为初始路径;
- The distance transformation and the point for seeds search before Watershed are improved,and a better dividing result is achieved. 算法对分水岭分割之前的距离变换和求种子点进行了改进,得到了较好的分割效果。
- This paper gives an algorithm for complete Euclidean distance transformation on the binary image on the basis of the contour scanning. 本文采用基于围线扫描的思想,提出了一个在二值图像中进行完全欧氏距离变换的算法。
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。
- sector region distance transform 扇形区域距离变换
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- At a distance of six miles you can't see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我们望见远处有三个人影儿。
- complete Euclidean distance transform 完全欧氏距离变换