- dissimilation of police power 警察权异化
- The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain. 警察滥用权力以换取好处和利益。
- In China, the police power of the very extensive, it is the right of police administration and police at the criminal justice reunification. 在我国,警察权的内容非常广泛,它是警察行政管理权和警察刑事司法权的统一。
- The construction of police power is the foreland in the democratic government system, and the core of building democracy and harmonious society as well. 摘要警察权建设是政府法治体系工程中的前沿领域,也是构建和谐社会和建设法治政府的重心所在。
- First, the anomie of police power is divided into three types: the offside of the police power, the lack of the police power, and the dislocation of the police power. 首先根据我国警察权运行的实际状况,将警察权失范归纳为三种表现,即警察权越位、警察权缺位、警察权错位;
- That is a startling disclosure of police brutality. 那是一个揭发警察暴行的惊人消息。
- The field of researches on legalization of police power is new.However, to carry out and further such researches is of great significance in improving the legalizing of police power. 警察法治研究是法治研究的一个新领域,开展和深化警察法治研究对完善警察法治建设具有重要意义。
- The coroner asked for a review of police procedures. 验尸官要求对警察程序进行再检查。
- The Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation. 警察局长坚决否认这个指控。
- The rebel leader meet the chief of police in secret. 造反派领袖与警察首领秘密会见。
- Any toughening of police powers to deal with terrorism seems to provoke objections in Karlsruhe. 任何对反恐警察权力的增加似乎都会招致宪法法院的反对。
- Some officials say that controlling the villages was made even harder by the scrapping four years ago of police powers to detain any migrant found without the correct permits. 一些官员表示,警察曾经有权力扣留任何没有携带有效通行证的流动人员,但随着该权力在四年前得到废止,对村庄进行管制现在变得难上加难。
- On the Restraint of Police Power 论对警察权的制约
- On the Ultimate Goal of Police Power 论警察权运行的终极目的
- A special team of police were kept on standby during the time of violence. 在发生暴乱期间,经常有一支警察特别小分队处于整装待命状态。
- Rational Reestablishment of Police Power in China 我国警察权的理性重构
- That name-dropper mentioned "his pal", the chief of police. 那个家伙又抬出他的"兄弟"警察局长的名号来自抬身价。
- The riots were triggered (off) by a series of police arrests. 警方一连串的逮捕行动激发了暴乱。
- Firstly, there are many problems in the institution such as the disfigurement of the institution, the dissimilation of the institution and the power"s dissimilation. 首先,现行公车制度存在很多问题,主要包括制度本身的缺陷、权力异化与制度异化等问题。
- In theory can be called the people"s exercise of the powers for the police, police authorities and the police, either by law enforcement Police Act, the implementation of police powers. 人民警察行使的权力在理论上可以简称为警察权,即是指警察机关及其警察依法执行警察法规范,实施警务活动的权力。