- From their work emerged the picture of radioactive decay that is still valid-a violently disruptive explosion of a single atom. 根据他们的工作,展现出至今仍然成立的关于放射性衰变的图象--单个原子的强烈的分裂性爆炸。
- He has a disruptive influence on the other children. 他能影响别的孩子使他们失控。
- I hope their disrupt friendship will be renewed. 我希望他们中断的友谊会继续起来。
- Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union then. 当时,奴隶制似乎有可能分裂美国。
- An explosive mixture, such as gunpowder. 火药易爆炸的混合物,如弹药
- Brimstone is a component part of explosive. 硫磺是炸药的一种组成成分。
- Politics can be an explosive subject. 政治问题容易引起争论。
- The old man has an explosive temper. 那老人性情暴躁。
- disruptive explosive 爆裂性炸药
- One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities. 背离既定路线者; 阴谋破坏者采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人
- The explosive charge carried in the warhead of a missile. 导弹有效载荷导弹弹头所带的炸药当量
- To behave in a rowdy or disruptive fashion. 粗野行事以粗野、有污辱性的方式行为或表现
- The pillbox was blown to pieces by high explosive. 碉堡被烈性炸药炸得粉碎。
- A ship equipped for laying explosive underwater mines. 布雷舰艇装备有布水雷装置的舰艇
- A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class. 只要有几个爱捣乱的学生,就能把全班搅乱。
- To impede or disrupt in movement or action. 使不能或艰于移动或行动
- An explosive force equivalent to that of1,000 metric tons of TNT. 千吨当量相当于1,000公吨TNT炸药的爆炸力
- A highly explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene. 阿马托炸药一种由硝酸铵和三硝基甲苯组成的烈性混合炸药
- Night work can be disruptive to home life. 晚上工作会影响家庭生活。
- The question of race today is an explosive one. 种族问题在今天是一个会引起激烈争论的问题。