- The process of repeatedly producing a display image on a display surface so that the image remains visible. 为使图象保持可见,在显示面上反复产生该幅显示图象的过程或方法。
- In computer graphics, moving one or more segments on a display surface by translating it along a path determined by a locator. 计算机图形学中,在显示屏上移动一个或多个段,这种移动是通过将这些段沿着定位器确定的路径进行平移变换来实现的。
- In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image180 degrees about an axis in the plane of the display surface. 在计算机制图技术中,显示图象的全部或一部分对显示面所在平面中某个轴线翻转180度的处理方法。
- In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image about an axis perpendicular to the display surface. 在计算机图形学中,使显示图象的一部分或全部围绕垂直于显示平面的轴转动的过程。
- In computer graphics, a light sensitive pick device that is pointed at the display surface. 在计算机图形学中,一种指点显示屏面的光敏信号选图装置。
- In computer graphics, undesirable vibration of a display image on a display surface. 在计算机图形技术中,在显示面上显示图象的不应有的变动现象。
- Do not wipe the display surface with dry or hard materials that will damage the polarizers surface. 避免用干燥或硬物擦洗显示表面以免损坏偏光片。
- On a video display unit, the process of changing the direction of the electron beam and thus its position on a display surface. 在视频显示设备上,改变电子束的方向并且从而改变了它在显示屏幕上的位置的过程。
- A movable, visible mark used to indicate the position at which the next operation willoccur on a display surface. 一种可移动、可见的标识,用来指示下一个操作要在显示表面上出现的位置。
- In computer graphics, the number of addressable points on a display surface or in storage. 在计算机图形中,显示器表面或内存中可定址位置的数量。
- On a video display unit,the process of changing the direction of the electron beam and thus its position on a display surface. 在视频显示设备上,改变电子束的方向并且从而改变了它在显示屏幕上的位置的过程。
- In computer graphics, moving one or more segments on a display surface by translatingit along a path determined by a locator. 计算机图形学中,在显示屏上移动一个或多个段,这种移动是通过将这些段沿着定位器确定的路径进行平移变换来实现的。
- In computer graphics, a predefined display image that defines the locations and characteristics of display fields on a display surface. 在计算机图形学中,预先定义的显示图象,它规定显示面上的显示域的位置和特性。
- In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image 180 degrees about an axis in the plane of the display surface. 在计算机制图技术中,显示图象的全部或一部分对显示面所在平面中某个轴线翻转180度的处理方法。
- In computer graphics,moving one or more segments on a display surface by translating it along a path determined by a locator. 计算机图形学中,在显示屏上移动一个或多个段,这种移动是通过将这些段沿著定位器确定的路径进行平移变换来实现的。
- In computer graphics, moving one or more segments on a display surface by translating it along a path determined by a locator . 计算机图形学中,在显示屏上移动一个或多个段,这种移动是通过将这些段沿着定位器确定的路径进行平移变换来实现的。
- In addition to alcohol and dissolved carbon dioxide, they contain many other organic compounds that can display surface activity like that of a soap molecule. 除了酒精与溶解的二氧化碳之外,还包含了其他许多的有机化合物,会和肥皂分子一样展现出表面活性。
- Designed as a living gallery space, the architecture capitalizes on the openness and optimizes generous display surfaces. 作为一个生活画廊空间设计,建筑利用了慷慨的开放性和优化的显示表面。
- An image display device includes at least one transmissive display panel arranged at different depth positions in a direction normal to a display surface of the image display device. 图像显示装置具有被配置在沿着其显示面的法线方向的纵向的不同位置上的一个以上的透射型显示屏。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。