- Third-Order Dispersion Compensation in Picosecond Pulse Transmission System[J]. 引用该论文 郭淑琴;薛文瑞;李仲豪;周国生;周国生.
- Characteristics Studies on Gires-Tournois Interferometer Used for Multi-Channel Chromatic Dispersion Compensation[J]. 引用该论文 李琳;赵岭;高侃;黄锐;陈高庭;方祖捷.
- In order to broaden its amplification bandwidth, this paper, DSF, and single-mode fiber (SMF) to construct the cycle cascaded dispersion compensation method of dual-pump FOPA. 为了拓宽其放大带宽,本文采用DSF和单模光纤(SMF)级联来构造周期色散补偿双泵浦FOPA的方法。
- Simulation results show that MD-RZ signals have lower BER and higher receiver sensibility than MD-NRZ signals by using the dispersion compensation technology. 仿真结果表明:长距离传输时,采用色散补偿技术,MD-RZ信号相对于MD-NRZ信号有更低的误码率和更高的接收机灵敏度。
- Hybrid FRA consisting of general fiber G652 and dispersion compensation fiber DCF includes DCF +G652, G652 +DCF and G652+DCF +G652.The operation principle is discussed. 混合型色散补偿光纤喇曼放大器由普通G652光纤和色散补偿光纤(DCF)组成,包括:DCF +G652、G652 +DCF和 G652+DCF +G652。
- The pulse spectrum broadening and dispersion compensation compression phenomenon when focusing the laser pulse into bulk media are experimentally investigated. 实验研究了超强超短飞秒激光脉冲在经过块状介质后的光谱展宽和色散补偿压缩现象。
- In this part, the characteristics we discuss includes: high gain, low N.F., broadband amplification, using single pump LD and dispersion compensation with a segment of DCF. 此部分之讨论主要为:高增益、低杂讯、宽增益波段、单波长泵激雷射使用、单捆色散补偿光纤的作讯号的色散补偿。
- Study on Dispersion Compensator Based on F-P Etalon[J]. 引用该论文 李玢;柯昌剑;刘德明.
- The pair of prisms can affect the stability and astigmatism besides the dispersion compensation, so the optics transmission matrix is deduced to eliminate them. 为研究起色散补偿作用的棱镜对对腔的稳定性和像散带来的影响, 导出了棱镜对的光传输矩阵。
- To improve dispersion compensation capabilities of chirped long-period fiber grating (LPFG) for fiber communication, the method using thin-clad chirped LPFG is proposed. 为了提高啁啾长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)光纤通信的色散补偿能力, 提出了利用薄包层啁啾LPFG进行色散补偿的方法。
- Experimental confirmation:The gain and noise characteristic of 5 km DCF-50 km G652 fiber configuration dispersion compensation FRA is better than 50 km-G652-5 km DCF FRA and 25 km G652-5 km DCF-25 km G652 FRA. 实验证明:5kmDCF 50kmG652光纤色散补偿型分布式FRA的增益和噪声特性优于50km、G652 5kmDCF光纤和25kmG652 5kmDCF 25kmG652光纤色散补偿型分布式FRA。
- This paper discusses the dispersion compensation of wavelength phase mismatch in frequency-conversion of wide-band Nd+3: glass laser, including self-compensation of tandem crystals and compensation of dispersion components (a prism or grating). 本文对宽频带钕玻璃激光频率转换中波长相位失配的色散补偿进行研究,包括晶体串接自补偿和色散元件棱镜与光栅的补偿。
- It is concluded that as second order dispersion compensation can avoid pulse broadening, third order dispersion compensation not only can avoid pulse broadening, but also eliminate pulse edge's oscillating and temporal shift of pulse peak. 结果表明 ,与二阶色散补偿能消除脉冲展宽一样 ,三阶色散补偿不仅能防止脉冲展宽 ,而且也能有效地消除脉冲边沿部的振荡结构和脉冲峰的时移。
- Theoretical research and numeric model of dispersion compensation of chirped super Gaussian pulses are presented, using chirped fiber grating with the apodization of parabola squared function. 采用抛物平方变迹啁啾光纤光栅,对超高斯脉冲的色散补偿特性进行了理论分析和数值模拟。
- Theoretical research and numeric model of dispersion compensation of chirped super Gaussian pulses are presented,using chirped fiber grating with the apodization of parabola squared function. 采用抛物平方变迹啁啾光纤光栅,对超高斯脉冲的色散补偿特性进行了理论分析和数值模拟。
- We demonstrate a second order polarization mode dispersion compensation scheme using two polarization controllers, two optical circulators and a variable different group delays (DGD) component. 摘要:在光纤通讯传输系统中,当传输速率和距离不断增加时,二阶偏极化模态色散对传输品质的影响不得不被考虑。
- Finally, according to the dispersion compensation theory, we use single mode fiber with negative group velocity dispersion (GVD) to compress the mode-locked EDFL output with positively chirped pulse. 最后,根据色散补偿的原理,将正啾频量的输出脉冲利用单模光纤引入的负啾频量去达到脉冲压缩的效果。
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是导致失败的原因。
- DCF(Dispersion Compensation Fiber) 色散补偿光纤
- DC-SMF(Dispersion Compensation Single Mode Fiber) 色散补偿单模光纤