- The wind dispersed the cloud from the sky. 风吹散了天上的云。
- dispersed unconformity 分散不整合
- The noisy demonstrators were dispersed by the police. 喧嚷的示威者遭警察驱散。
- An increased velocity is randomly dispersed. 增加的速度任意地四散传播。
- The crowd dispersed when the police arrived. 当警察赶到时人群四下散去了。
- The riot police dispersed the crowd. 防暴警察驱散了人群。
- The seeds were dispersed on the plowed lands. 种子被撒播在耕过的土地上。
- There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity. 这里有充足的砂质物铺盖不整合面。
- When the sun came out ,the fog dispersed. 太阳出来时,雾消散了。
- The airplane dispersed the leaflets over the city. 飞机在城市上空散发传单
- The rebels dispersed at the sight of the troops. 反叛者一看到军队就四散了。
- Her sweet words dispersed his melancholy. 她的温柔话语驱散了他的忧愁。
- The congregation dispersed when the service ended. 礼拜仪式结束后,参加礼拜的人就散了。
- The soldiers were dispersed along a wide front. 士兵们分散在广阔的战线上。
- There is sufficient sand available to smooth the unconformity. 这里有充足的砂子铺盖不整合面。
- As the sun rose the frog dispersed. 太阳一出来雾就消散。
- At Scinto 6 uranium occurs in much altered dolerite below the unconformity. “辛托6”的铀矿体产于不整合面之下变质甚深的粒玄岩中。
- The crowd dispersed (in all directions). 人群散开了.
- The tracer becomes increasingly dispersed. 示踪剂逐渐地扩散。
- Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas. 警察用催泪弹驱散了抗议者。