- The official was dismissed from office for taking bribes. 这官员因受贿被免职。
- He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office. 他被解职後成了隐士。
- He made a mistake and was dismissed from office. 他犯了错误,被免除了职务。
- Because things were impeach, dismissed from office return. 因事遭劾,罢官还乡。
- The official was dismissed from office because he feathered his own nest with the relief fund for flood. 那位官员被解除职务,因为他拿水灾救济金营私自肥。
- The whole business of his dismissal from office has been enveloped in mystery from start to finish. 他被解职的整个过程自始至终神秘莫测。
- However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. 但是,当不诚实和腐败王子诋毁曲,他是丢脸和免职。
- Court investigations were conducted, the results of the governor to support imprisoned Wen Zhan Zhi, Du Yue Long dismissed from office or removal from office, demobilization. 朝廷派员调查,结果巡抚于养志收监问斩,提督岳升龙罢官免职,解甲归田。
- To dismiss from employment or school. 解雇,开除解除雇佣或从学校开除
- The corrupt official was removed from office. 这个贪官被罢了职。
- Send down To suspend or dismiss from a university. 开除从大学中停止学籍或开除。
- Fox was ousted from office but he had nothing to say for himself. 福克斯被赶下台,但是他没有什么可特别为自己辨护的。
- Emil tried to dismiss from his mind the horrible thoughts. 艾米尔竭力从心头排除掉这些可怕的想法。
- If the case is extremely abominable and has caused grave consequences, the punishment of probation on job or even dismissal from office may be imposed on the violator, depending on the seriousness of the case. 情节恶劣,后果严重的,可给予留用察看直至开除公职处分。
- He was dismissed from the oil refinery. 他被那家炼油厂解雇了。
- He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years. 他十五年里从工友升到总经理。
- After Lin had been dismissed from office, the Chinese garrison continued to fight heroically and over four hundred officers and soldiers died in the fierce battles. 啊,虎门,光荣的虎门,壮丽的虎门,使人悲愤、发人深思、催人变革图强的虎门啊,今日我又与你相见了!
- He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. 他一周之後出院了。
- Tang Dynasty hermit, is a commoner to wait before entering political stratum, but also scholars were dismissed from office after the first or after the election officer to wait. 唐代的隐士,是布衣入仕前的等待,也是读书人得第后或罢官后的选官的等待。
- The two workers are dismissed from the factory by the same token. 那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。