- dishes plain in design 图案简朴的盘碟
- The essays are plain in language. 这些论文言简意赅。
- Pure or simple in design or style; austere. 朴实的样式或风格上朴实简单的; 质朴的
- The east, that they found a plain in the land. 地遇见一片平原、就住在那里。
- I find some of the exhibit fine in quality and beautiful in design. 我发现有些展品质量优良,设计美观。
- Yes, It's mine. And I have ordered another dish plain saute shrimps. 是我的,我还订了一份清炒虾仁。
- There was an elegant plainness in this small house. 这小屋子里有一种高雅的朴素。
- They placed it high on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England ? 这群建筑已经经历了几千年的风风雨雨。
- Ingenious and complex in design or function; intricate. 灵巧的在设计和功能方面巧妙而复杂的; 精巧的
- Visit Africa's Serengeti Plain in northeast Tanzania, near Kenya. 到坦桑尼亚东北部、近肯尼亚的塞伦盖蒂平原观光。
- Revision is a fact of life in design. 修改并再修改,这是设计生活中的现实。
- Mostly low plateau with deserts; fertile plain in southeast. 大部分是沙漠底丘,东南部土地肥沃。
- A diamond brooch, not large but dainty in design. 一个钻石胸针 不大 但设计得很精美。
- Extremely plain in substance or style: a severe black dress. 朴素的:内容或形式极朴实的。
- The cutters for fibre strands are simple in design. 原丝切刀造型简单。
- He assisted in designing the new bridge. 他协助设计那条新桥。
- In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the Italians. 在产品设计和质量上,意大利人大大超过了他们。
- The course offers options in design and computing. 这一课程开了设计和计算机技术的选修科目。
- The page layout opens in Design view. 该网页布局在设计视图下打开。
- Multi-Paradigm Thinking in Design Patterns. 设计模式的多范型思考。