- Methods: 30 patients with space occupying diseases of liver accompanied by cirrhosis were examined by indirect portography DSA and 3D-SCTP. 方法:对30例肝占位病变伴肝硬化患者均经肠系膜上动脉或腹腔动脉行间接门脉DSA和SCTP三维成像,对比分析2种影像质量差异。
- Located in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace under the costal region,Xiao Chaihu Decoction syndrome has the diseases of liver, gallbladder,spleen and stomache. 小柴胡汤证病位在胁下膜原,病及肝胆脾胃,为少阳太阴所主,主要病邪为湿热及寒邪伤阳,相火内郁。
- This paper reviews the epidemiological, clinical, experimental and pathological studies on the relationship between liver flukes infestation and diseases of liver and gall. 该文对与肝吸虫感染相关的肝胆疾病的流行病学、临床、实验研究及病理学资料进行了综述。
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。
- The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
- We provided some references for the prevention and therapy of hyperirritable disease of liver and the developing of medicament for curing. 本文为应激性肝胆疾病的预防、治疗和防治药物的研制提供一些参考。
- SD Ryder,IJ Beckingham.ABC of disease of liver,pancreas,and biliary sysytematic systematic system chronic viral hepatitis[J].BMJ 2001,322(27):219. 刘建平,秦献魁.;中草药治疗乙型肝炎病毒无症状携带者的系统评价[J]
- Autoimmune reaction involves in the developmenl of liver diseases. 自身免疫反应参与肝病的发生发展过程。
- Any of several diseases of the blood or lymph vessels. 管腺病; 淋巴管病一种血管或淋巴管疾病
- The difference of HBV genotype may not be caused by sex. In the patient of CHB, genotype C can easily cause serious disease of liver and genotype B can easily occur immune escape which resulted in slight state of an illness. 在CHB患者中,性别不是基因型构成差别的因素,C基因型易引起较重的肝脏病变,B型易发生免疫逃逸,致病情较轻。
- A section of liver explant is provided. 切片示切除的肝脏。
- Chronic diarrhea and diseases of liver, biliary tract and pancrea 慢性腹泻与肝胆胰疾病
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- This belonged to a huge type of liver cancer. 是属于巨块型肝癌
- He specializes in diseases of the hearts. 他是心脏病方面的专家。
- The growth of liver retransplantation was only 11%. 肝再次移植仅仅增长11%25。
- Hospitals deal with diseases of every variety. 医院诊治各种各样的疾病。
- What should diet of liver ascites patient notice? 肝腹水患者日常饮食应该注意些什么?
- Any of various diseases of the brain. 脑病任何种类的大脑疾病
- Not all kinds of liver disease are infectious. 并非所有的肝病都传染。