- diseases of Palmae plants 棕榈科作物病害
- Identification on the Fungal Diseases of Palmae Ornamental Plants 棕榈科观赏植物真菌病害鉴定
- Cataloguing of Palmae Plants in Coconut Grand View Garden of Hainan 海南椰子大观园棕榈植物名录
- The Application of Palmae Plants to the Garden Afforestation in Haikou City 棕榈科植物在海口市园林绿化上应用的探讨
- Any of several diseases of the blood or lymph vessels. 管腺病; 淋巴管病一种血管或淋巴管疾病
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。
- He specializes in diseases of the hearts. 他是心脏病方面的专家。
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- Hospitals deal with diseases of every variety. 医院诊治各种各样的疾病。
- Any of various diseases of the brain. 脑病任何种类的大脑疾病
- Diseases of retina can cause vision lost over time. 视网膜疾病会随着时间导致视力逐渐丧失。
- Leman, et al. 1992. Diseases of Swine, 7th edition. 猪病学;中华民国兽医学会;1989.
- Nay, there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies; like as diseases of the body, may have appropriate exercises. 人之才智但有滞碍,无不可读适当之书使之顺畅,一如身体百病,皆可借相宜之运动除之。
- She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. 可以推断出是一种眼疾。
- Ergot A fungal disease of many cereals. 麦角菌:是许多谷类农作物感染的一种真菌病。
- Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits. 枯萎病一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、花、叶和未成熟果实的突然死亡
- A city of western Majorca Island, Spain, on the Bay of Palma, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Population, 3,97. 帕尔马:西班牙马洛卡岛西部城市,在地中海的入口帕尔马湾畔。人口3,97
- Used to treat a number of diseases of unknown or autoimmune cause. 用于一系列的不明或自体免疫疾病。
- Q25: What are the most common diseases of wild panda? 问题25:野生大熊猫最常见的疾病是什么?
- Over the past three years, this little port district, a few minutes from the centre of Palma, has had a hell of a makeover. 过去三年里,这个距离帕尔马中心几分钟路程的小港口区有了翻天覆地的变化。