- Both the disturbance of microcirculation and hemorheological changes is the etiology of disease development, but also the result. 微循环和血液流变学的阵碍是疾病发生的原因,但也是结果。
- Please analyse the conditions of disease development of corn Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt. 怎样根据当地病害发生程度,提出棉花枯萎病和黄萎病的综合治理策略?
- Please state the disease cycle, the conditions of disease development, contol methods of rice blast. 简述叶稻瘟病的四种病斑类型症状特点及其意义。
- Please state the disease cycle, the disease development and the control methods of Cruciferous vegetable bacterial soft rot. 哪些农业措施或农田管理措施能提高大白菜对软腐病的抗性?
- And induced pluripotency has now become common enough that it's allowing us to study basic biology and disease development and drug screening. 如今诱导多能性已经被普遍用于基础生物学、疾病发展和药物筛选等研究。
- Control methods include genetic resistance, proper crop rotation, tillage practices to bury crop residues that promote disease development, and fungicides. 控制病害的方法包括:选抗病品种、合理轮作、把易发生病害的作物残体翻入土内、杀真菌剂的应用等。
- Researchers could create dopamine-producing cells from Parkinson's disease patients and study them in the culture dish to learn the earliest steps of disease development. 研究学者从帕金森患者中得到多巴胺生成细胞,并在培养皿中培养并研究疾病发展过程中的最初症状与步骤。
- The biological characteristic, the macroscopic and feature and the disease development of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) in China have been further studied. 进一步较系统地研究了马铃薯癌肿病的生物学特性、宏观与微观危害特征及在我国的病害发展。
- Such information is changing the understanding of how genetics influences disease development and drug response, and contributing to the discovery of new treatments. 这些信息改变着人们对基因是如何影响疾病发展和药物反应的认识,有助于新疗法的开发。
- Silicosis is an occupational pulmonary disease caused by silica dust exposure,but the mechanisms of the injury and disease development are not well understood. 矽肺是矽尘暴露导致的职业性肺部疾患,它的发病机制至今尚未完全阐明。
- Silicosis is an occupational pulmonary disease caused by silica dust exposure, but the mechanisms of the injury and disease development are not well understood. 摘要矽肺是矽尘暴露导致的职业性肺部疾患,它的发病机制至今尚未完全阐明。
- How many tomato diseases in China? Please describe the symptom, pathogen and disease development of three diseases. 根据我国蔬菜病害发生情况,制定病害综合防治方案(参考课堂讲授内容)。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- The advance by the UCSF team should accelerate research aimed at improving the original strategy, the team says, and increase its potential use for studying disease development and creating patient-specific stem-cell based therapies. 旧金山加州大学的科研小组宣称这项进展可以推动致力于改善原始策略的研究,并且可以增加这种研究用于研究疾病发展以及生成基于治疗的病人特异性干细胞等方面的潜在用途。
- Waterage market of expensive harbor city is open big market, but it is the market with diseased development. 贵港市水路运输市场是开放的大市场 ,但又是发育不健全的市场。
- Once it starts the autoimmunity going, it is like lighting a fire and over time the disease develops. 当自身免疫进程开始,就像星星之火,疾病不断进展。
- Those methods such as : fumigating the plastic tunnel with sulphur before transplantig ,spray-ing Topsin-M 70% WP or Bordeaux mixture at the initial stage of the disease development gavegood control of the disease. 定植前采用硫磺粉熏棚,发病初期喷洒70%25甲基托布津WP、波尔多液,对番茄叶霉病均有良好的控制效果。
- Sprays with 2.5 mM SA or 75 mg/L ASM during fruit growth could effectively reduce natural decay or inoculated disease incidence and significantly (P<0.05) inhibit disease development of blue mould in fruit inoculated Penicillium expansum after harvest. 生长期喷施2.;5mM SA或75mg/L ASM能有效降低采后鸭梨果实自然腐烂和接种青霉病(Penicillium expansum)的发病率;显著抑制病斑扩展(P<0
- The most important meterological factors influencing disease development are,firstly,relative moisture of aerosphere,and secondly,air temperature. Rainfall is adverse to disease development. 影响病害消长的最重要气象因素是大气相对湿度,其次是气温,降水对病害发展是不利的。
- The cause of glaucoma is not yet fully understood. But doctors know that the disease develops as pressure inside the eye increases. 青光眼的病因还不完全清楚,但医生们知道这种病始于眼内压增高。