- discrete random signal processing 离散随机信号处理
- The Statistical Analyze of Limited Discrete Random Signal Sequence 有限长离散随机序列的统计分析
- discrete random signal 离散随机信号
- The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute expected values for continuous and discrete random variables. 西格玛黑带应能计算出连续或离散随机变量的期望值。
- A random signal of known statistical properties of amplitude, distribution, and spectral density. 振幅、分布及谱密度等的已知统计特性的随机信号。
- The discrete random numbers is generated from a continuous pseudo random variable scaled by rng, mean shifted by vsh and dicretized by step size drv. 离散随机数值取自一连续随机变数乘以缩放比、并以等阶梯大小离散化及平均值位移而得。
- The discrete random numbers is generated from a continuous pseudo random variable scaled by rng, dicretized by step size drv and shifted by vsh. 离散随机数值取自一连续随机变数乘以缩放比、以等阶梯大小离散化及位移而得。
- A strong ilmit theorem for the weighted sum of discrete random sequences is gotten by the method of net differentiability. 利用网微分法,给出了离散型随机变量序列加权和的一个极限定理。
- The pulsar signal is a kind of typical nonstationary random signal which SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) is very low. 摘要脉冲星信号是一种典型的非平稳信号,且信噪比非常小。
- Wang H Y.Nonstationary random signal analysis and processing[M].Beijing:Defense Industry Press,1999. [1]王宏禹.;非平稳随机信号分析与处理[M]
- A kind of interesting discrete random variable is introduced, its mathematical expectation and variance are equal to 1, and further we obtain some summation formulas. 摘要介绍了一类有趣的离散型随机变量,它的均值和方差都是1,并由此得到了几个求和公式。
- The Green Bank telescope in West Virginia has been specially designed to distinguish between random signals and signals which might be in code. 西弗吉尼亚州的格林·班克望远镜是专门为区分随机信号与或许是电码信号而专门设计的。
- This paper proposes a new method for obtaining a random signal radar wavefonn by means of random binary code PM and coherent pulse AM. 本文提出了用随机二元码调相和相干脉冲调幅得到随机信号雷达波形的新方法。
- Using the absolute calibration method of random signal sensor, some perfect accelerometer frequency response curves are abtained. 使用随机信号传感器绝对校准方法,得到了较为理想的加速度计频响曲线。
- This paper mainly investigated the excitation system parameter identification basedon the M sequence of pseudo random signal. 本文主要研究用M序列伪随机信号对励磁系统参数的辨识问题。
- Abstract. A new expression as a certain asymptotic limit via “discrete micro-states” of permutations is provided to the mutual information of both continuousand discrete random variables. 摘要:.;一个新的表达式如用一个特定的渐近界限经由“不连续的微观状态”排列来提供连续的和不连续的随机变量的互信息。
- To simulation study microwave radiometer, under spaceborne condition this paper simulates the noise sources of microwave radiometer by artificial random signal. 为了对微波辐射计进行星载条件下的仿真研究,本文采用伪随机信号来仿真微波辐射计的噪声源。
- A kind of discrete random variable 一类离散型随机变量
- The paper mainly describes the application of the random signal to the simulation of road roughness,the arithmetics of AR and the pseudo white noise are used to simulate the C level road roughness respectively. 重点研究了随机信号在路面不平度仿真中的应用,分别使用AR法和伪白噪声法在空间域下对C级路面进行仿真。
- Computer simulations show that the time of convergence and the mean-square error in the case of simulation are much smaller than those of the classical adaptive filter with Widrows LMS algorithm for both deterministic and random signal. 计算机模拟结果表明:在所模拟的例子中,其收敛时间以及均方误差不论对确定信号或随机信号都远小于采用Widrow简化了最小均方误差算法的经典自适应预测滤波器的相应值。