- discontinuous electrophoresis 不连续电泳
- A new detective method of glycosylated hemoglobin (GHb) by discontinuous affinity electrophoresis (DAE) was established in our laboratory. 利用血红蛋白吸管在醋酸纤维膜上划线加样,不连续亲和电泳的方法分离糖化血红蛋白,并直接洗膜比色。
- Output current is also discontinuous (chopped). 输出电流也不连续(斩波).
- Test the probes with electrophoresis after reclaim. 探针回收后用电泳检测。
- Methods Pulse field gel electrophoresis. 方法脉冲场电泳。
- It become a society electrophoresis. 这成为社会普遍的现象了。
- He found that the sonic surface was, in general, discontinuous. 他发现声速面通常是不连续的。
- At each interface the spreading wave front is made discontinuous. 在每一分界面上扩展的波前出现间断。
- The BVP for first order discontinuous IDE with fixed times. 一阶脉冲微分方程泛函边值问题。
- Abaxial leaf surface with a patchy discontinuous indumentum. 叶背面具一不规则的不连续的毛被。
- Jaw crusher is a discontinuous work cruching equipment. 颚式破碎机是一种间断式破碎设备。
- Electrophoresis painting equipment for producing pure water. 电泳漆纯净水制造设备阴极电泳漆设备。
- Space and time are both continuous and discontinuous. 时间空间是连续的,又是间断的,是连续性和间断性统一。
- It can eliminate electrophoresis of furrow like orange skin. 消除橘皮现象。
- He received a somewhat haphazard and discontinuous schooling. 他只是偶然地、断断续续地上了些学。
- At each interface the spreading wavefront is made discontinuous . 在每一分界面上扩展的波前出现间断。
- The supernatant was examined by SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis . 取上清进行SDS-PAGE蛋白质电泳。
- Methods: Agarose-starch mixed gel electrophoresis was used. 方法:利用淀粉-琼脂糖混合凝胶交叉电泳的方法。
- Methods: Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE). 方法:垂直板电泳法。
- Recent work has shown conclusively that the epicuticle is discontinuous. 最近研究工作已总结性地表明表皮层薄膜并不是连续的。