- Difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement. 异议,反对意见或感觉的不同,想法分歧
- It is a difference of opinion that makes horse race. 赛马之所以(能够)成立,是由于有不同的看法(意见)。
- There is broad consensus (of opinion) in the country on this issue. 对这一问题举国上下(舆论)普遍一致。
- We had a difference of opinion (ie argued) over who had won. 我们在究竟是谁获胜的问题上发生了争执。
- Division of opinion among themselves contributed to their defeat. 他们之间的意见分歧促使了他们的失败。
- Stocks of listed companies whose financial statements of the most recent fiscal year have been rendered a disclaimer of opinion or a qualified opinion by an accounting firm; 其上市公司最近一年度内财务报表被会计师事务所出具拒绝表示意见或者保留意见的;
- Arrogant, stubborn assertion of opinion or belief. 武断对某意见或信条的傲慢而固执的论断
- There is a concurrence of opinion between them. 他们的想法一致。
- Democracy allows for differences of opinion. 民主提供了发表不同意见的机会。
- There was a division of opinion on the matter. 对于那件事意见分歧。
- report of disclaimer of opinion 放弃表达意见报告
- Was there any concurrence of opinion? 意见有没有达成一致?
- What is the consensus of opinion at the meeting? 会议上一致的意见是什么?
- disclaimer of opinion 放弃表达审计意见,放弃意见书
- Disagreement, as of opinion or belief; dissent. 不一致,如意见或信念; 异议
- A declaration of opinion; an assertion. 证实,断言意见的宣布; 断言
- What is the consensus of opinion? 一致的意见是什么?
- An exchange of opinions is helpful. 相互交换意见是有益的。
- Difference of opinion; disagreement. 意见分歧;不同意