- Apply cream to the affected area. 把药膏涂在患部。
- The physician took the badger oil and spread on affected area. 医生把獾油接过来均匀地涂抹在患处。
- The cream should be rubbed well into the affected area. 将药膏涂于痛处。
- For skin allergy: grind with water and apply to affected area. 用水研磨?外敷治皮肤过敏反应。
- Potatoes grated and applied on affected area can cure pimples. 马铃薯磨碎用于受灾地区可以治愈粉刺。
- It was said this snow disaster is the heavist within 50 years.Freezing Disaster affected the production and living of people dramaticly. 据悉,此次雪灾是50年以来最严重的,冰冻灾害给人民群众生产生活带来了重大的影响。
- Rub the cream into the affected areas. 把乳膏揉进感染处。
- Cool the affected area with cold running water for at least ten minutes. 用流动的冷水冷却烧伤处至少10分钟。
- The earthquake disaster affected one city,one county,11 contrysides and 79 villages; disastered people w ere 24 058,disaster area w as 6 700km 2,the econom ic dam agesw ere 9 763 000 Yuan (RMB). 该地震震害波及1市、1县、11个乡、79个行政村,受灾人口24 058人,受灾面积达6 700km 2,造成直接经济损失达9 763 000元
- In response to the disaster, the president of Costa Rica traveled to the most severely affected areas and immediately declared a Red Alert and National Emergency. 哥斯大黎加总统在巡视过灾情最严重的地区后,立即宣布全国进入红色警戒与紧急状态。
- Dissolve this powder in warm water and clean the affected area before applying this cream [krim] on it. 先将药粉溶解在温水里,清洗患处,再涂上这些药膏。
- Basic early warning systems are being set up in the affected areas. 受灾地区将会安装预警系统。
- Use only suitable amount of patching solution on affected areas. 根据需要修补的面积来决定修补液的分量。
- A series of aftershocks have hit the affected areas, causing panic. 一系列的余震使震区的人们感到恐慌。
- Garissa district in North Eastern Province remains the main affected area with 132 suspected cases and 54 deaths. 东北省加里萨县仍然是受该病侵袭的主要地区,发生132例疑似病例和54例死亡。
- Inflammation of a muscle, especially a voluntary muscle, characterized by pain, tenderness, and sometimes spasm in the affected area. 肌炎肌肉的炎症,尤指随意肌,症状是感染区的疼痛、敏感和有时痉挛
- With a Verbenaceae, a bowl of wine, ginger a total of Daozhi intake into the body, to slag deposited the affected area. 用马鞭草一把、酒一碗、生姜一块,共捣汁内服,以渣敷患处。
- And in emergencies, such as power-failures, the mirrors could light up the affected area. 而且在紧急情况时,比如说能源失败,镜子可以照亮相关的区域。
- Second-degree burnsSymptoms are definite redness of the affected area, swelling, and blistering. 二度灼伤:症状为灼伤部位红肿及有水泡。