- Deltas are disaster zones in waiting. 三角洲地带是潜在灾区。
- The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone. 这个地区已经宣布为生态灾难区。
- Tents are needed most in the disaster zone where the homeless number 5 million. 灾区非常需要帐棚,那里有500万无家可归的人.
- Michael: What are not you doing, Billy? Your desk sees like a disaster zone. 迈克尔:你在做什么,比利?你的桌子看起来像个灾区。
- In several recent disaster zones, victims surprised their benefactors by asking not for food or medicine but money. 在近来的个别灾区,令捐助人感到惊讶的是,受灾者不是要求获得粮食或药品,而是想要金钱。
- But Tadateru Konoe, the IFRC's Japanese president, retorts that neutrality is still an entry ticket to many disaster zones. 但是,红十字会与红新月会国际联合会的日裔主席反驳道,中立仍旧是进入许多灾难地区的通行证。
- Emergency officials briefed Mr. Bush on conditions immediately after his arrival in Texas, and he toured the disaster zones by helicopter. 紧急救援人员在布什总统到达德克萨斯后就立即向他通报了有关情况,布什总统还乘坐直升机巡视了灾区。
- A consignment of 3,000 tents bought in-country arrived in the disaster zone on May 20 by rail. 从国内买来的3000顶帐篷已经在5月20日经铁路送达灾区。
- Thousands of volunteers headed to the disaster zone, from businessmen to Christian youth. 从商人到年轻的基督徒,成千上万的志愿者们奔赴灾区。
- Disorienting episodes added to the struggle for survival in much of the disaster zone. 在成都, 水对城市的一些部份是削减为修理, 碰触走开一谣言那补给是受污染的。
- As a rescue specialist,Evac has spent his life traveling from one disaster zone to the next,protecting and saving those he could. 作为一个抢救专家,拯救总是奔波于受灾地区之间,尽己之力保护和挽救生命。
- The adverbs suchhard,far,well,ill,fast,etc. The area which is hit hardhas been declared a disaster zone. The hard-hitarea has been declared a disaster zone. 受损严重的地区被视为灾区。
- Once their condition was stabilized, patients would be transported either to newly established ?eld hospitals or to functioning hospitals outside the disaster zone. 一旦病人的病情稳定,病人将被送往新建的野战医院或转到灾区以外的外地医院。
- And foreign reporters operating in the disaster zone have been roughed up, a measure of the stability-obsessed government's sensitivity to both protest and criticism. 而在灾区活动的外国记者也遭到了殴打。痴迷于政局稳定的政府对抗议和犯罪行为都十分敏感。
- A government plea for unofficial volunteers to stay away from the disaster zone and concentrate instead on activities such as raising money and donating blood has fallen on deaf ears. 他们一些人的车子上插满国际和标语,一次又一次的往来在成都和江由的高速公路上。
- One difficulty is that the aircraft doing the dropping might be fired on unless they had military escorts, and that might lead to more fighting than anyone should want to see in a disaster zone. 一个难题就是执行空投的飞机除非有军事护卫否则可能会被击落,甚至可能会导致更多的战争,谁也不愿看到灾区更加满目疮痍。
- There is no other house in Bikou Township intact and undamaged like Ren Xingping's house, which can be declared “The awesomest house” in this earthquake's Bikou Township disaster zone. 像任兴平这样几乎完好无损的民房,在碧口镇没有第二家,堪称此次地震中碧口镇灾区的“最牛民房”。
- The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high. 这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚。
- The disaster caused him to waver in his faith. 这件灾难使他对信仰发生了动摇。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。