- The second paper reports the 1981 Daofu earthquake of M=6.9 in Sichuan Province,China,the casualties and economic losses caused by the shock and disaster relief measures. 报道了1981年四川道孚6.;9级地震震情及造成的人员伤亡、经济损失和救灾措施等情况。
- The article tentatively generalizes some replicable experiences from the lessons learnt from the damage of the lifeline system after the Osaka-Kobe Earthquake and the disaster relief measures. 本文从日本阪神大地震后生命线系统的震害教训和减灾救灾措施中,初步概括了一些值得借鉴的经验。
- disaster relief measures 救灾措施
- For flood disaster relief in Venezuela. 援助委内瑞拉洪水灾民的收据。
- A broad range of relief measures is also proposed. 政府亦建议推行一系列的纾缓措施。
- Principles and Practice of Disaster Relief and Recovery. 疏灾与复原的原则及操作研究。
- Relief measures were coordinated with the local government that readily provided disaster statistics so that we could better serve them in regard to needed material assistance. 当地政府提供了灾情统计资料,好让我们可以提供他们所需要的物资。
- Actions for disaster relief donation should be standardized. 赈灾捐款应该规范化。
- Disaster relief emergency fund appropriation mechanism. 救灾应急资金拨付机制。
- Chinese troops have been dispatched to help with disaster relief work. 中国军队已被派去帮助救援工作。
- Let's gather many a little love heart to support disaster relief kindness. 让我们汇聚点滴爱心;支持赈灾义举.
- Who is most blameworthy for typhoon Morakot’s slow disaster relief ? 八八水灾重创台湾,谁应该为救灾迟缓负最大的责任?
- Article 40 No unit or individual may withhold or embezzle funds and goods set aside for disaster relief. 第四十条 任何单位和个人不得截留、挪用地震救灾资金和物资。
- A motion moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan on "Relief measures and compensation policies for the live poultry trades" was passed. 张宇人议员就"活家禽业界援助措施及赔偿政策"动议的议案,获得通过。
- The government Monday morning dispatched a disaster relief team of21 doctors and nurses to Sri Lanka. 日本政府星期一早晨派遣了一支由21名医护人员组成的救灾队前往斯里兰卡。
- The relief measures include the suspension of payments for twelve months and rescheduled repayments of outstanding loans. 该计划包括暂停还款十二个月,以及重组债务的还款安排。
- And as one important part of the trade secret' s relief measures, the Trade Secret Injunctive Relief System becomes the hot topic. 而作为商业秘密法律救济措施重要组成部分之一的商业秘密禁令救济制度自然也成为法学界讨论的热点。
- This disaster relief system has gone a long way toward guaranteeing the basic livelihood of the people in the disaster-stricken areas. 灾害救助制度有力地保障了灾区人民的基本生活。
- Article 50 For the acts of evading the trade relief measures as provided for in the present Law, the state may take necessary anti-evasion measures. 第五十条国家对规避本法规定的对外贸易救济措施的行为,可以采取必要的反规避措施。
- No unit or individual may intercept or appropriate funds and materials for flood control and disaster relief. 任何单位和个人不得截留、挪用防洪、救灾资金和物资。