- The director of Provincial health bureau concerns about TB control work. 厅长亲自检查和过问结核病防治工作。
- Zhu Zonghan, former director of the Beijing Public Health Bureau and a senior paediatrician, lauded the measures. 前北京卫生局局长、资深儿科医师朱宗涵对这些措施表示赞同。
- Li Jianhua, Director of the Health Bureau of the PLA Logistic Department, inspected Beijing Health Essence. 中国人民解放军总后卫生部部长李建华同志视察健之素。
- Zhu Zonghan, former director of the Beijing Public Health Bureau and a senior paediatrician, lauded the meacertains. 前北京卫生局局长、资深儿科医师朱宗涵对这一些措施表达赞同。
- Nie Dequan, Deputy Secretary of the Food and Health Bureau, will take office of Director of the Social Welfare Department. 特区政府食物及卫生局副秘书长聂德权将于今年8月15日出任社会福利署署长;
- Shi Wen, deputy director of Pingguo County Health Bureau, said the HFMD cases first emerged in Zilou Village in Tonglao Town on July 7 before the epidemic spread to other villages. 平果县卫生局副局长石文说,7日起平果县同老乡紫楼村开始出现手足口病病例,随后迅速扩散到其它村。
- He is director of the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health, which cosponsored the study. 但是眼压升高与青光眼并非同义词,因为在更早的随机临床试验中,并无此种好处的证实。
- Dr.Paul Halverson is the Director of the Arkansas State Department of Health and State Health Officer. 保罗哈佛逊博士是阿肯萨州卫生署署长暨州级卫生官员。
- Dr. TH Leung, JP, Deputy Director of Health, gave out a brief speech at the concert night. 于音乐会当晚,卫生署副署长梁挺雄医生致词。
- Over the 30 years, there has been over 20 directors of health care bureau gave reports on this issue. Afterwards, this problem was render to law court rather than laboratory. 30多年以来,有20多位卫生局局长提出报告,此后,这个问题似乎是走向法庭解决,而不是在实验室解决。
- Herewith, I’m pleased to tell you that 12 members from GCAP-Project have attended an important symposium organized by Mental Health Bureau of the Ministry of Health on 12.04.2009 in Beijing. 在此,我很高兴告诉你,我们中德班的12位成员刚于2009年4月12日在北京参加了卫生部精神卫生处召集的研讨会。
- He is still a fine specimen of health. 他仍是健康的典范。
- The hospital has appointed an independent investigation panel which is to report to the Director of Health within two weeks. 医院本身也成立了一个调查小组,并会于两星期内向卫生署署长提交报告。
- There is a glow of health in his face. 他的脸容光焕发。
- He inquired for the director of the bureau. 他要求会见局长。
- The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis. 卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。
- He exercises everyday in pursuit of health. 他为了健康而每天锻炼。
- Graber, director of environmental and occupational disease epidemiology for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 她来抱怨说呼吸急促,胸部疼痛并且咳嗽,让人想起肺炎。
- The director of the film is a Greek. 这部电影的导演是一位希腊人。
- He is possessed of health, wealth and good sense. 他身体好,有钱,又有见识。