- The quantity of ambiguity and re-strictive condition are in the direct ratio. 歧义的数量与限制条件的数量成正比。
- When we share our happiness with others, we have increased our happiness in direct ratio. 我们在分给他人幸福的同时,也能正比例地增加自己的幸福。
- The charms of the passing stranger are generally in direct ratio to the swiftness of our passage. 萍水相逢的陌生人之恋的魅力,跟过程的迅速短暂成正比。
- Male illustrations are in direct ratio to the advancement of grades, while famale illustrations are in inverse ratio. 翻译:男性的演示(/解释/插图)与其级别上升成正比增加,而女性的演示(/解释/插图)则呈反比。
- The voltage reading that DVM shows becomes direct ratio with the resistor that be measured. DVM显示的电压读数与被测电阻成反比。
- Want to know, muscle bulk becomes direct ratio with muscle strength, load is heavier, sarcous is surrounded degree bigger also. 要知道,肌肉体积是和肌肉力量成正比的,负荷越重,肌肉的围度也就越大。
- Analysis shows that the slope of hi-logarithmic degree distribution curve is in direct ratio to the node's increasing speed. 研究发现网络双对数度分布曲线斜率与网络节点增长速度成正比。
- The discriminator functin produces an output voltage,this voltage mean direct ratio and two input signals phase diference. 鉴相器的作用是产生一个输出电压,此电压的平均量正比与两输入信号的的相位的差。
- But wealso must understand it, because more is mystical thing everybody isalso bigger to its interest, can have the direct ratio not? 但是我们还要去了解它,因为越是神秘的东西大家对它的兴趣也就越大,能成正比不?
- Their relevant coefficient (r) is 0.982279,0.924752,0.997606. The content of Nitreattitude-nitrogen in soil and the content nitrite in Chinese cabbage were direct ratio. 其相关系数r分别为0.;982279;0
- The conductor gets the force is direct ratio with the current and the length of conductor in magnetic field and the intension of magnetic induction of magnetic field. 载流导体所受电磁力与导体中的电流、导体在磁场中的有效长度及导体所处磁场的磁感应强度成正比。
- The results indicate that the relaxation of AFRP is obvious, and the relaxation rate linearly depends on time and is in direct ratio with tension control stress. 研究表明,AFRP筋的松弛较明显,松弛率与时间对数线性相关,且松弛率与张拉控制应力成正比关系。
- By using large aperture infrared imaging lens and amplifying, A/D converting, NUC, the system produces digital image signal which in direct ratio with radiation of target. 该系统采用大口径红外成像镜头,图像信号经放大、A/D转换和图像非均匀性校正,输出与目标辐射量成正比关系的数字图像信号。
- For the convenience of calculation, ascending branch was simplified into a direct ratio formula and descending branch was simplified into two straight lines divided by knee point. 从方便计算的角度上建议上升段采用比例方程表示,下降段简化为以拐点分界的两部分直线。
- The square that what law of Mitre card Er points to is rate of network value and user quantity growth becomes direct ratio, become inverse ratio with cost! 迈特卡尔定律指的是网络价值与用户数量增长速度的平方成正比,与成本成反比!
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- The results indicated that the reaction of thiol and ene initiated by photosensitizer under ultraviolet radiation is first-order reaction and the reaction rate is in direct ratio to the concentration of thiol. 这说明硫醇烯体系在紫外光照射下;由光敏剂引发的反应是一级反应;反应速率与硫醇浓度的一次方成正比.
- The signpost points in a westerly direction. 路标指向西。
- The results shows that the patterns of EPR spectrum of gold bearing quartz are very similar in this area, and there is direct ratio between the content of gold and the height of peak . 结果表明,该区各金矿床含金石英电子顺磁共振波谱吸收峰形态极为相似,峰幅度与金含量大体上呈正消长关系。