- direct labor time [经] 直接人工工时
- Support the training of direct labor. 协助对一线员工的培训。
- The systems generally display reduced manufacturing lead time, low in-process inventory, and high machine tool utilization, with reduced indirect and direct labor. 一般来说,FMS系统具有生产周期短、在制品库存低、机床利用率高、间接和直接劳动少等特点。
- Direct labor costs are subdivided by job and then posted to job cost sheets. 直接人工由具体批别负担,并记录到批次成本计算表中。
- Prime costs represent the costs of direct material and of direct labor. 主要成本中包含了直接材料和直接人工费用。
- With a normal process flow, what is the standard labor time required to produce an order of 8 circuit boards (one panel)? Of 40 circuit boards? Of 800? 正常工艺流程下,制造8个定制电路板(仪表盘上的)需要的标准劳动时间是多少?40个呢?800个呢?
- The labor consumed in the processing is often divided into two types, direct labor and indirect labor. 分步法中,人工成本仍然分为直接人工和间接人工。
- Later, when the novelty wore off, some people were apt to begrudge the time they spent in voting as so much labor time lost from their fields. 后来,这股新鲜劲儿一过,有些人就觉得把下地干活的时间花费在选举上实在不值得。
- Manual setting and automatic repetition, guaranteeing the product processing homogeneity and reducing labor time and intensity. 程序控制,自动校正,确保产品加工的统一性,同时减少了工作时间和劳动强度。
- If job No.3 has incurred direct labor costs $20, it will be applied an over-head cost of $20. 若3号产品批次发生直接人工成本为20美元,则应分配的制造费用为20美元。
- Direct costs are those that form the part of the product, e.g. direct labor, direct materials and direct expenses. 直接成本是构成产品实体的成本,如直接人工、直接材料和直接费用。
- This concept also called labor usage variance, labor efficiency variance or labor time variance. It results from using more or less labor than standard for the output produced. 工时率差异也叫工时用量差异、工时效率、工时差异。该指标取决于完工产品所耗工时与标准工时的多少的比较。
- Both systems accumulate product costs -direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead -and allocate these costs to the units produced. 都是归集直接材料、直接人工成本和制造费用并将其分配到相应产品上。
- Growing and killing weeds in combination with duck raising and maintenance of deep water for weed control mitigated the labor time in weeding down to 9 3% as against the control. 养草灭草结合养鸭除草和深水控草 ,使杂草最少的地块除草用工时间仅为完全人工除草地块的 9 3%25 ;
- But there were no statistically significant differences in the labor time,labor mode,delivery rate,oxytocin dosage,Apgar score,NACS score and postpartum blood loss(P>0.05). 各组的产程时间、分娩方式、助产率、催产素用量及新生儿A pgar评分、NACS评分、产后出血量无明显差异(P>0.;05)。
- Analyze the direct labor cost, including measure the work hours, stipulate the standard work hours, maintain and readjust the standard work hours. 生产人力成本分析,包括测量作业工时,制定标准作业工时,并定期维护变更标准工时.
- Conclusion: Parturition at home may enable the puerperas and their family acquaint the course of labor, reduce anxiety and pain of the puerperas, shorten labor time. 结论:家庭分娩室可以使产妇及家人掌握整个分娩过程,减轻产妇的焦虑和疼痛并有效缩短产程。
- Analyze the direct labor cost, including measure the work hours, stipulate the standard work hours, maintain and readjust the standard work hours. 生产人力成本分析,包括测量作业工时,制定标准作业工时,并定期维护变更标准工时。
- Theoretically, the peasant household will increase labor time in agricultural production, thus attaining the purpose of the government's incitement in agriculture produce. 在理论上,农户会增加从事农业生产的劳动时间.从而达到政府刺激农业生产的目的。
- Variances for factory overhead are generally more difficult to understand than those for direct materials and direct labor. 制造费用差异比直接材料差异和直接人工差异更难理解。