- direct international dialing 国际直拨
- Please enter your mobile number without the international dialing prefix or country code, just like you did when you purchased credits. 请输入您于购买信用点数时所输入的手机号码(不包含国码)。
- See International dialling rules when dialling from abroad. 要知道如何从国外给您发送传真,请参阅国际长途电话号码规则。
- Thirdly, companies in the Asia-Pacific region are facing with a more direct international competition compared with their counterparts in European Union or other economic entities. 第三,比较于欧洲共同体或其它区域经济体的企业,亚太地区的企业所面临的国际竞争更为直接。
- PAL, Cebu Pacific and Air Philippines operates daily one-hour flights between NAIA and MIA and there are direct international flights to Cebu from Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia as well. 太平洋航空、宿务太平洋航空和菲律宾航空公司每日都有从阿基诺国际机场和MIA 到这里的航班,航程时间为一小时。此外还有从日本、香港和马来西亚直接飞至宿务的国际航班。
- In the past year, we treated seven cases of direct internal carotid cavernous fistula by this method. 在过去一年内我们已用这种方法治疗七个病患。
- International dialling prefix The country dependent dialling prefix used to make an international call, e. G. The prefix is 00 in the UK. 为了方便拨打国际长途电话而为不同国家设定的不同区号。例如:英国的区号是00。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- Is there a direct - dial phone in the room ? 这房间里有直拨电话吗?
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- You can dial New York direct from London. 你可以从伦敦直拨纽约。
- In the upswing of the long construction cycle, the rural exodus was directed internally to the industrial cities. 在一个长建设周期的繁荣阶段,农村人口的大批外流是流向国内各个工业城市。
- What's the rate for direct dial calls? 请问直拨电话的费用多少钱?
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- I want to place a call to Paris hotel. Can I dial direct? 我想给巴黎大酒店打一个电话,我可以不可以打直拨?
- She's very direct, believes in speaking her mind. 她为人直率,喜欢有什么说什么。
- Can you direct me to the shoe department? 请告诉我卖鞋部在哪里。
- Be there a direct train for Beijing to Nanning? 从北京到南宁有直达车吗?
- direct internal tracheohypopharyngeal shunt 直接气管下咽分流术
- See that direct heat does not play on it. 当心别让它直接受热。