- In 2000, China's diplomatic work featured vigorous activities on an unprecedented scale. 中国2000年外交工作的一大特点是多边外交空前活跃。
- The formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa is another great achievement in China's diplomatic work. 我们与南非正式建交,这是我们外交上的叉一重大成就。
- His main selling point handles diplomatic work's experience, as well as he for American pursue benefit belligerency. 他的主要卖点是处理外交事务的经验,以及他为美国追求利益的好战性。
- Li summed up his remarks by saying that the achievements made in China's diplomatic work are based on those accomplished in domestic work. 李鹏最后说,中国外交工作的成就都是以中国国内工作的成就为基础的。
- We will unswervingly take strengthening and consolidating unity and cooperation with the vast number of developing countries as the basis of our diplomatic work. 今年我们要坚定不移地把加强和巩固同广大发展中国家的团结与合作,作为外交工作的立足点。
- Only after we have done the domestic job well can we make greater progress in diplomatic work and our words on international affairs be taken seriously. 只有国内搞好了,外交上才能取得更大成就,在国际舞台上说话才有分量。
- Amid the changes in international relations,China's diplomatic work has entered a new stage,and its international status and influence continue to rise. 在国际风云变幻的形势下,我国外交工作进一步开创了新局面,国际地位和影响继续提高。
- Amid the changes in international relations, China's diplomatic work has entered a new stage, and its international status and influence continue to rise. 在国际风云变幻的形势下,我国外交工作进一步开创了新局面,国际地位和影响继续提高。
- Sedan used for diplomatic work? 外交工作用车?
- Given the basic development trend of the international situation, China's diplomatic work will continue to face both opportunities and challenges in 2002. However, opportunities will outweigh challenges. 根据国际形势发展的基本态势,2002年中国外交依然是机遇与挑战并存,但机遇大于挑战。
- The United States and other major nations have offered incentives to Iran to scrap the enrichment program and Hadley says diplomatic work will continue to find a peaceful solution. 美国等主要国家为了要伊朗放弃浓缩铀规划,已经向伊朗提出奖励计划。哈德利说,将继续进行外交努力,以便找到和平解决途径。
- and Further improving the diplomatic work. 八、进一步做好外交工作。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat. 他们不得不赎回被绑架的外交官。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- He once served in diplomatic service. 他曾一度干外交工作。
- His job as a diplomat was a blind for his spying. 他担任外交官的职务是为了给他的间谍身分打掩护。
- He gets a work that gives scope for his abilities. 他得到了一份有机会发挥他才能的工作。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。