- The moon was dimmed by clouds and the stars were darkened. 月色朦胧, 星辰昏暗。
- The moon was obscured by clouds. 月亮被云遮住了。
- The sky was dimmed by clouds. 乌云使天色变得朦胧暗淡。
- Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity. 闪电是由云层放电产生的。
- Veiled by clouds and misty rain. 云缠雨绵。
- The sun was obscured by clouds . 太阳被云遮住了。
- What do you mean by cloud computing? 你想通过云计算表达什么意思?
- The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight. 烛光在日光下显得很黯淡。
- Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow, and all my members are as a shadow. 我的眼睛因忧愁昏花。我的百体好像影儿。
- Lighting is caused by clouds discharging electricity. 闪电是由云层放电造 成的.
- The light of a candle is dimmed by electric light. 烛光与电灯光相比,前者就显得暗淡无光了。
- Like the mirage, this is a result of light being refracted by clouds. 这同“海市蜃楼”一样,乃云、光折射作用的结果。
- The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by cloud. 月亮比头一天晚上更圆,但因云层遮掩而月光朦胧。
- The beauty we fashion cannot be dimmed by death. 我们创造的美丽不会因死亡而变得暗淡。
- The change of microphysical quantity after seeding is caused by cloud seeding. 不同高度飞行具有相似的粒子谱分布 。
- Even though Dr Holonyak's original red LEDs were dim by today's standards, they were immediately commercialised and ended up being in production for decades. 即使按照今天的标准衡量当时Holonyak博士的红色LED非常昏暗,他们仍旧被立即商业化并且最终批量生产了好几十年。
- It is like the sun. It may seem obscured by clouds and dust, but only from the point of view of the perceiver. 像太阳一样。它彷佛被云尘所蒙蔽,但那不过是见者所见。
- Items in a playlist can be dimmed by skipping them during playback. 在播放期间跳过项目时,播放列表中的这些项目会暗显。
- Nei Lak Shan is often covered by clouds, rendering use of solar energy less effective. 弥勒山经常被云层遮盖,因此气象站未能有效取用太阳能。
- The glitter of precious stones cannot be dimmed by dust. 宝石的光彩,灰尘蒙不住。