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- ASE of dye medium in a DLA and fs pulse amplification[J]. 引用该论文 肖纲要;何慧娟;沈晋汇;刘玉璞;张影华;陆培华;王之江.
- Off-lattice and hypercubic-lattice models were used to improve DLA simula-tion. 通过运用脱离晶格模型和超立方晶格模型模拟来改进DLA算法。
- DLA fractal growth of different kernels has been simulated by using computer. 对不同形状晶核的DLA分形生长进行模拟和比较。
- Subsequently, DLA applied for judicial review, and the hearing was scheduled in early August. 其后,署长申请司法覆核,聆讯并排期于八月上旬进行。
- Council accepted and DLA implemented the recommendation of a revised letter of acknowledgement. 法援局接纳并由法援署落实修改确认函件。
- Meanwhile, the judicial review proceedings initiated by DLA were withdrawn by consent. 同时,署长亦同意撤销相关的司法覆核程序。
- The accused person had given various instructions and documents to DLA and his assigned solicitors for the trial. 被告人就案件曾向署长与被委派律师就审讯发出种种指示和提供文件。
- The DLA EIAV gag shared the homology of 80% in nucleotide and 84.47% in amino acid with the EIAV Wyoming 1369 strain. 与美国EIAVWyoming 136 9株比较 ,核苷酸同源性为 80%25 ,氨基酸同源性为 84 47%25。
- The four-lawyer group, including founding partner Davide Apollo, will join DLA Piper at the start of the year. 茶历来是高人逸士钟爱的杯中物,茗香是一种享受更是雅致生活情趣的体现。
- The team also has capability across Asia, drawing on DLA Piper's network of offices in the region. 该团队也通过欧华在亚洲各地的办公网络,为亚洲客户提供服务。
- DLA Piper has bolstered its Milan real estate practice through a merger with boutique firm Apollo &Associati. 提示: 能够偷得浮生半日闲,并有好茶一壶相伴,绝对是一种享受。
- Objective To improve the clinical level of diagnosis and treatment in diabetics with bacterial liver abscess(DLA). 目的提高对糖尿病并发肝脓肿(DLA)的诊治水平。
- The experimental results have proved that OWT is an important method to analyze DLA pattern in real time. 实验结果证实了光学小波变换是一种实时分析DLA模型的重要方法。
- DLA Fractal dimension has been also obtained using the method of the OWT in this paper. 还用光学小波变换的方法求出了DLA分形的分维值。
- The DLA ultimately agreed to seek out more competitive bids, but only among the preselected vendors. 国防后勤部最终同意寻找更有竞争性的报价,但是只限于那些预选商家之中。
- DLA can be departed into four basic types: disquisitive DLA, demonstrative DLA, evaluation DLA, and back-check DLA. 研讨性说课、示范性说课、评价性说课、检查性说课,是说课的四种基本类型。
- DLA reported that LAD staff had been reminded to observe strictly the requirement of verifying information relating to the means of applicants. 法援署署长报告,已提醒法援署职员,严密遵守有关经济审查核实资料的要求。
- The results indicated that the promoting activity of LTR from DLA EIAV was slightly higherthan that of 0-A EIAV, and lower than strain Wyoming. 结果表明在驴白细胞中,DLA EIAV LTR启动CAT表达的活性略高于D-A EIAV LTR;