- Causing dilatation of the pupils. 瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的
- And the obstruction of ureter was improved. 输尿管梗阻得到改善。
- Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes. (细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张
- Internal dilatation of ureteral stricture 输尿管狭窄内扩张术
- Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication. 急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。
- Congenital dilatation of ureter 先天性输尿管扩张
- dilatation of ureter 输尿管扩张
- Hydronephrosis and dilation of ureters were gradually relieved according to B ultrasonography and IVU done after 1 week and 3 months. 分别于术后一周和3个月复查B超和IVU,双肾盂积水和双侧输尿管扩张逐渐减轻。
- Results 11 tumors were at the upper ureter and 4 the lower. They demonstrated the common patterns as middling signal masses,filling defects and dilatation of the urinary tract above the obstruction. 结果输尿管中上段癌 11例 ,下段癌 4例 ,MRU共同征象 :梗阻端输尿管腔内有中等信号的肿块 ,呈结节状或分叶状 ,表现为充盈缺损征象 ,梗阻以上尿路扩张。
- Causing constriction or dilation of blood vessels. 导致血管的缩小或扩大的
- Objective:To study the method and law of ureter calculi diagnosed by CT. 目的:研究输尿管结石CT诊断的规律及扫描方法。
- Radiologic guidance for dilation of ureters 放射学引导下输尿管扩张术
- The ureteral obstruction and associated hydronephrosis resolved after percutaneous nephrostomy and balloon dilatation of the stenotic ureter. 经气球撑开术及经皮肾脏引流术后,其因阻塞而造成的水肾及输尿管阻塞获得改善。
- Conclusions: The ureteral dilatation and the ureter ureteroscope inserting into the ureter under the guide of ureteral staff were the keys of success of lithotomy. 结论:吊瓶加注射器灌注、未行输尿管扩张、无引导导丝指示、未置输尿管引流是造成输尿管损伤的重要原因。输尿管扩张术和在引导导丝指示下进镜是手术成功的关键。
- Dilation of a blood vessel, as by the action of a nerve or drug. 血管扩张血管的扩张,如由于神经或药品
- There are dilatation of blood sinus, hemolysis, macrophage reactions erc. 脾血窦扩张、溶血及巨噬细胞反应等现象;
- Dilation of a blood vessel,as by the action of a nerve or drug. 血管扩张血管的扩张,如由于神经或药品。
- Restrain the sensitive skin and resist dilation of weeny vein. 调理敏感肌肤,抑制微细管扩张,安抚、缓和。
- Objective To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of the reformatted unenhanecded spiral CT of ureter for ureterolithiasis. 目的评价非增强螺旋CT输尿管重建对输尿管结石诊断的价值。
- Dilate of blood capillary of inherent film shallow-layer congests. 固有膜浅层毛细血管扩张充血。