- Business ethics argues that inhumane working conditions seriously violate the dignity of human beings. 经济伦理必须提出强有力的证据证明不人道的工作环境严重侵犯了人的尊严。
- What Liu-Heng can do just only guard peoples and yell out together with them when peoples resist their fate with their blood and tears.He try to maintenance the dignity of human beings metaphysically. 刘恒只能在人们迸着鲜血、眼泪反抗宿命的时候,守在他们旁边,和他们一起呼喊哭号,喊出他们的生命活力和善良,形而上地来维护作为人的尊严。
- In his lecture Kass made a distinction between the dignity of being human and the dignity of human being. 卡斯在演讲中区分了作为人的尊严和人类尊严两个概念。
- We shall take full advantage of our rich source of human beings. 我们应充分利用丰富的人力资源。
- To make art is an indomitable urge of human beings. 艺术创造是人类锲而不舍的追求。
- Should another world war break out, what would become of human beings? 万一另一次世界大战爆发,人类将会发生什么事?
- No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. 人类命运的问题没有一个是人所不能解决的。
- I want to extol the virtues of human beings. 我要颂扬人类的美德。
- Selfishness is one of human beings instincts. 自私是人类的本性之一。
- That is the tragedy of human beings. 这是人类的悲哀。
- Anthropology is the study of human beings. 人类学是关于人类的学科。
- Thirdly, discuss the future of human beings. 第三,探讨人类的前途出路。
- dignity of human beings 人的尊严
- On principle, to replicate any human technologically is against the basic dignity of the uniqueness of each human being. 原则上讲,以技术复制人违反了每一个人独有的基本的尊严。
- On principle,to replicate any human technologically is against the basic dignity of the uniqueness of each human being. 原则上讲,复制人类的科技违反了每一个人独有的基本的尊严。
- The rank, title, or dignity of a viscount. 子爵的等级、头衔或尊严
- The value and dignity of women's bodies have been always painstakingly suppressed, debased or even decried by us human beings. 女性身体所拥有的固有尊严和价值总是被人们刻意地压制、贬低甚至诋毁。
- What degrees the dignity of human personality would be protected is the chief criterion to assess the justness of jural procedure. 评价法律程序正当性的主要标准是它使人的尊严获得维护的程度。
- This is how the en masse evolution of human beings will take place. 这样人类集体的进化便成为可能。
- The unique value and dignity of every human being should be respected and there should not be any discrimination of any form. 我们尊重每个人的天赋价值和尊严、不接受任何形式的歧视。