- Warm humidity sensor 温湿度传感器
- Many plants flourish in warm humid climates. 许多植物在温暖湿润的气候生长茂盛。
- Based on the principle of humidity measurement,a kind of digital hygrometer circuit was designed by adopting HF3223 humidity sensor. 从湿度测量的原理出发,采用HF3223湿度传感器设计了一种数字显示湿度计电路。
- Based on the principle of humidity measurement, a kind of digital hygrometer circuit was designed by adopting HF3223 humidity sensor. 摘要从湿度测量的原理出发,采用HF3223湿度传感器设计了一种数字显示湿度计电路。
- Solid polymer electrolyte capacitor humidity sensor. 固体聚合物电解质电容式湿度传感器。
- MENT CH LI M, LI A CH. Digital temperature and humidity sensor SHT11 based on I2C bus and its appli-cation in single-chip microcomputer system[J]. Overseas Electronic Components, 2004(2):50-54. 孟臣,李敏,李爱传.;I2C总线数字式温湿度传感器SHT11及其在单片机系统的应用[J]
- It was a period of warm humid climate with large areas lf temperate and subtropical forest, but only limited grasslands, as the grasses were of very recent origin. 当时气候温暖潮湿,除了有限的草地之外,拥有大面积的温带及亚热带雨林,这是因为大量草本植物是在近代才进化产生的。
- Hai Duong is a warm humid East Asian continental monsoon climate, with cold winter and summer without the heat, a pleasant climate, the average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. 海阳属暖温带东亚湿润季风型大陆气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候宜人,年平均气温12摄氏度。
- It's a wide range of detecting humidiy than Humidity Sensor Module of Resistance. 有着比电阻式湿度测量模块检测更宽的湿度范围。
- GTS1 radiosonde is now widely used in China, relative humidity data can be observedby its carbon humidity sensor. GTS1型电子探空仪是我国目前广泛使用的探空仪,该探空仪上的碳湿敏元件可以获取相对湿度探空数据。
- New type digital psychrometer humidity sensor 新型数字干湿球湿度传感器
- The analytical results reveal that the sand grain of northeastern Sahara was formed under the river lacustrine deposition environment during warm humid climatic condition and had been reformed by wind action later. 分析结果说明非洲撒哈拉沙漠东北部沙漠砂的形成与河流作用有关。
- Based on SCM and SHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, the temperature and humidity control system used for a greenhouse is designed. 摘要设计了一种基于单片机和SHT11温湿度传感器的温室温湿度控制系统。
- digital temperature and humidity sensor 数字式温湿传感器
- In this case, temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity sensors record microenvironmental conditions, while passive infrared sensors detect the presence of warm birds and eggs. 在海燕研究中,温度、大气压力与湿度感测器可记录微环境的状况,而被动式红外线感测器则可侦测温暖的鸟类与卵。
- Using relative humidity sensor HIH3610 of HONEYWELL and cooperating one-line bus apparatus DS2438 of DALLAS, we design a kind of temperature and humidity sensor according one-line bus criterion completely. 采用Honeywell公司相对湿度传感器HIH3610,配合DALLAS公司一线总线器件DS2438设计出一种完全符合一线总线规范的温湿度传感器。 文中对传感器结构进行了详尽的阐述。
- An intelligent instrument to predict the infection of pear leaves by pathogen of Venturia nashicola was designed based on 89C51 single chip and SHT15 smart temperature and humidity sensor. 摘要以89C51为控制核心,采用SHT15智能温湿度传感器,设计了一种梨黑星病菌侵染测报器。
- Guangzhou used Ozon sensor technology for single-bus temperature and humidity sensors DHT11. 所用传感器为广州奥松科技的 单总线温湿度传感器DHT11.
- As temperature, humidity sensors have all of the output of certain nonlinear, the acquisition value of the temperature and humidity must be amended. 由于温度、湿度传感器的输出特***都呈一定的非线***,则所采集的温湿度传感器值都要进行修正。
- Temperatur and humidity sensors, Temperature and humidity controllers, System of remote control of air conditioning uits. 温度湿度传感器;温湿度控制器;空调机组远程控制系统.