- The digital watermark is to prevent pirating. 数码水印图案是用来防止盗版的。
- Digital watermark is the most active of the hiding technologies. 数字水印技术是当前信息隐藏技术研究最为活跃的一个分支。
- CAJ digital watermark in information security applications. CAJ数字水印在信息安全中的应用.
- Digital watermark is a key research direction of information hiding technology. 数字水印是信息隐藏技术的一个重要研究方向。
- This paper presents a novel blind grayscale digital watermark algorithm. 摘要提出一种新的盲灰度级水印算法。
- Ideas discussed at the conference ranged from bar codes and holograms to digital watermarks and radio tags. 从条码识和全息图到数字水印技术和无线电标签,与会专家们讨论了各种防伪方法。
- Resistance to geometric attacks is a difficulty of digital watermarks,and it is also a bottleneck in practical use. 设计抗几何攻击的数字水印算法是数字水印技术研究中的难点,也是数字水印技术实用化的一个瓶颈。
- A Digital Watermarking Algorithms Base. 一种脊波域数字水印算法。
- The technique of digital watermark is one of the valid methods for copyright protection. 数字水印技术是实现版权保护的有效办法之一。
- With the digital watermark technology, the embedding of digital watermark usually has influence to the target image quality in varying degrees. 摘要在数字水印技术中,将数字水印嵌入到原始图像的过程,通常会对目标图像的质量产生不同程度的影响。
- This article presented a multifunctional audio digital watermark algorithm based on psychoacoustic model. 本文提出了基于心理声学模型的多功能音频数字水印算法。
- A utilizable Digital watermark system should own good Robustness, security, transparency. 一个有效的水印系统必须具备较强的鲁棒性、安全性和透明性。
- When the watermarks are recovered, the information of the buyers that copied digital watermark illegally can be found out. 该算法将购买者的信息以水印的形式嵌入到数字作品中,随着水印的恢复,可以找出参与了非法拷贝的买主的信息。
- Testing results show that this method meets the demand of invisibility and robustness of the digital watermark. 测试结果表明该算法满足了数字水印的不可见性和鲁棒性要求。
- The digital picture watermarks system software was developed through research of information hiding,digital watermarks,and cryptology. 在印刷包装企业网络化发展过程中,不可避免地要涉及到数字图像水印系统的开发等问题。
- The key of digital watermark to copyright protection is the imperceptibility and robustness for embedded information. 用于版权保护的数字水印设计的关键是水印信息嵌入的隐蔽性和抵抗攻击的鲁棒性。
- Digital watermark technology emerged as the times require, and is becoming a hot technology to solve this problem. 数字水印技术应运而生,并逐渐成为了解决这一问题的热点技术。
- About the digital watermark processing delphi algorithm, to studies the digital watermark to have the very good instruction function. 一个关于数字水印处理的delphi算法,对研究数字水印有很好的指导作用。
- A digital watermarking algorithm based on quadtree fractal coding. 一种基于四叉树分形编码的数字水印算法。
- Digital watermark evolved in recent years is a new means to protect IPR (Intelligence Properties Right) in the field of information security. 数字水印是近年来在信息安全领域兴起的保护知识产权的新方法。