- digestion in water bath 水浴消解
- The result shows that Hg is digested by the means of "Aquaregia Digestion in the Water Bath" completely and the datas are steady. 采用两种不同的消解方法对汾河沉积物中的总汞进行分析,结果表明,王水水浴加热消解法对总汞的消解程度完全而且测定结果比较稳定。
- Model for rod and pipe extrudate of amorphous plastics cooled in water bath is built based on heat transfer theory. 依据传热学原理,建立了无定形塑料棒状和管状挤出制品的水浴冷却模型。
- Heated in water bath,uranyl ion and nitrate radical adsorbed on resin are replaced into solution by sodium bisulfate,then are determined by titanous method and spectrophotometry,respectively. 在水浴加热条件下,用硫酸氢根将吸附在树脂上的铀酰离子和硝酸根离子置换到液相中,之后分别采用亚钛法、分光光度法进行测定。
- Determination of Selenium Content in Broiler Liver with Wet Digestion in Boiling Water Bath by Zeeman Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 水浴湿法消化Zeeman石墨炉原子吸收法测定肉鸡肝组织中硒含量
- This kind of tablet is soluble in water. 这种药片能溶于水。
- The flowers will revive in water. 这些花在水中会再活。
- The beaver lives both on land and in water. 海狸既能在陆上生活也能在水里生活。
- Wood does not sink in water, it floats. 木头在水中不沉,而是漂在水面。
- Rated 4-Stars by Golf Digest in 2003. 由在2003的高尔夫文摘的评估4星。
- Oil is insoluble in water under common conditions. 油在常规条件下是不能溶解于水的。
- Use of acidic or alkaline water or the use of conditioning salts and other materials has caused cylinder failures when used in water baths. 不推荐把在水槽中直接浸泡钢瓶作为加热方法。在水槽中使用酸或碱水,或使用调节盐和其它物质已经导致了钢瓶的失效。
- A fish in water is in its natural medium. 鱼在水里就是在自然环境中。
- Salt can be held in solution in water. 盐能溶于水。
- Such fine particles suspend readily in water. 这种微粒极易悬浮在水中。
- Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils? 那位艺术家是画水彩的,还是画油彩的?
- Most sulfates are soluble in water. 大多数硫酸盐可溶於水。
- Please immerse the plant in water for a few minutes. 把那棵植物在水里浸泡几分钟。
- A leech is a small blood-sucking worm and usually lives in water. 水蛭是一种小型吸血虫,通常生活在水中。
- He was employed in watering the garden. 他忙于给花园里的花木浇水。