- Why It Is Difficult ron College Students to Find Jobs? 大学生求职为何难?
- difficulty to find jobs 就业难
- It is difficulty to find my keys in the yard like find a pin in the sea. 在院子里找我的钥匙就好像是在大海里捞针一样困难。
- Tens of thousands of people have come to Guangdong to find jobs. 成千上万的人来广州找工作。
- But the women were able to find jobs in other quarries. 可是她们在其他的采石场也能找到工作。
- Crowds of people came to find jobs during the job interview. 招聘会上,来找工作的人黑乎乎的一大片。
- It's hard to find job in the recessionary economy for now. 在日前经济不景气的情况下很难找到工作。
- It is always the difficulty to find out the "same entity from different sources(SEDS)" data in the data cleaning process of the data warehouse. 在数据仓库构建的数据清理过程中,同体不同源数据的发现一直是清理过程的难点。
- Was it getting harder or easier for educated people to find jobs in the 1970's? 对于受过教育的人来说在1970年代寻找工作是较为简单的还是较为困难的?
- The prime function of schooling is to equip the future generation to find jobs. 教育的主要职能是教给下一代技能以找工作。
- The prime function of schooling should be to equip the future generation to find jobs. 学校教育的首要功能是保证未来一代能找到工作。
- She was lucky to find a job in radio. 她很幸运在广播电台找到了一份工作。
- Prisoners thus find it easier to find jobs on release after serving their sentence. 这对罪犯刑满释放回归社会后的安置就业,起到了很好的作用。
- Money presents no difficulty to us. 金钱对我们来说不成问题。
- They had great difficulty to keep the paper going. 他们把报纸出版下去有很大困难。
- But if we do cut back,it will be hard to find jobs for several hundred thousand demobilized army cadres. “消肿”,比较难的是安置退下来的几十万干部。
- This job presents many difficulties to the new recruit. 这件工作对那个新手来说困难重重。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- Money presents no difficulty to them. 资金对他们来说不成问题。
- From 1991 to 1994 arrangements were made for more than 29.21 million people to find jobs in China's cities and towns. 1991-1994年,全国城镇共安置劳动力2,921万人。