- differential crosstalk 差分交扰
- Crosstalk among members of the panel. 调查委员会委员们的补充性交谈
- This is far end crosstalk adjusted for attenuation. 远端串音值与衰减值之相互关系。
- Maximum price differential old new crops6% but protein content similar. 新旧作物差价最高达6%, 但所含蛋白成份一样。
- These quantities are not perfect differential. 这些量不是全微分。
- RUGGEDNESS. Automotive ring gear differential. 强度:自动环形齿轮差动器。
- A linear differential transformer has three coils. 一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。
- That would upset the wage differential. 这样做会打乱工资级别制度。
- Hlsdtk: Famous Chinese crosstalk artist dies of heart disease. 著名的中国相声艺术家死于心脏病.
- Non EEC countries pay a higher differential tariff. 欧洲经济共同体以外的国家须付高於成员国的差别关税.
- The next page will explain the three types of crosstalk. 下一单元将解释三种类型的串音。
- Zizi the occasional sound: AC power supply line crosstalk. 偶尔的滋滋声:交流供电线路的串扰。
- Remove differential case from axle housing. 从轴管上拆卸差速箱。
- The equal-level far-end crosstalk (ELFEXT) test measures FEXT. 同水准的远端串音(ELFEXT)测试是测量FEXT。
- Remove pinion gears from differential case. 从差速箱处拆卸主动齿轮。
- Crosstalk can also be caused by signals on separate, nearby cables. 串音也能由分散、附近缆线的讯号而产生。
- Improper adjustment of differential bearings. 差速器轴承调整错误。
- Big: We say today this crosstalk is our this year a new work. 大:我们今天讲的这个相声是我们今年的一个新作品。
- Connect wire to pressure differential switch. 连线至差速压力开关。
- Invert the differential case in the vise. 在虎钳中翻转差速箱。