- The second part: expound their different and similar. 第二部分阐释他们之间的异同,(一)中西方对待自然态度的差异。
- The difference and similarity between shadow moire fringe and Newtonian circlet are discussed from basic principles. 从基本原理上讨论了一种新型的实验力学研究方法面外云纹与牛顿环的联系与区别。
- Finally, these two small earthquake swarms are compared with the foreshock sequence of the 1975 M = 7.3 Haicheng earthquake for their difference and similarity. )波振幅比和震源机制解结果;并进行了初步分析.;最后对这两次小震群与海城7
- This article analyzes this influence in the point of view of word-formation which makes the students understand why there is difference and similarity of AE and BE deeply and helps the students master knowledge from the basis of English language. 本文从构词的角度分析这种影响以便让学生更深入的了解英国英语和美国英语差异和相似并能帮助学生从英语语言的根本掌握知识。
- Abstract: Objective To evaluate the difference and similarity of the maxillary growth after lip-repair between with the Millard Rotation-Advancement and with the Tennison Triangular. 摘 要 :目的 为了客观全面地评价当今常用两种唇裂修复方法对上颌骨生长发育影响的异同。
- Brahms wrote a total of 18 Intermezzos, which both different and similar in style. 勃拉姆斯共写有十八首间奏曲,它们在风格上既相似又有所不同。
- Contrast late son to set up also and is from the text, once the pastoral eclogue sentimental appeal is in the spirit substantial different and similar. 并对比迟子建与沈从文、汪曾祺小说中的田园牧歌格调在精神实质上的异同。
- Can you describe the differences and similarities of both our schools? 你能描绘一下我们两个学校的不同之处和相似之处吗?
- A set that includes a given and similar set as a subset. 子集包含一个给定的或相似的子集的集合
- Many people went in for writing, music, dramatics and similar activities. 很多人从事绘画、音乐、演剧和其他类似活动。
- Similar in some respect and so able to be compared in order to show differences and similarities. 在某些方面相似,所以能够进行比较以显示出不同点和相似点。
- Follow along with Doug Davis as he summarizes the key differences and similarities between them. 跟随Doug Davis一起,来概述它们之间关键的不同点和相似点。
- The young of herring and similar fish. 幼鲱年幼的鲱鱼和类似的鱼
- Research about what differences and similarities exists between UNHCR and UNRWA in the opinion of a refugee? 摘 要 新颖结构与新颖成分的奈米材料之开发,是一个重要的研究领域。
- They sink their difference and joined hand in the business. 他们消除了分歧,携手共进。
- What are the differences and similarities of the NTMI in contrast to the Western cases and experiences? 北台都会整合的过程与西方或东亚各国的都会政府、都会治理不同?
- This and similar claims are common, but untrue. 这种说法和类似的观点很普遍,但不正确。
- Rather, the differences and similarities in the way these properties are applied to each element come together to allow users to make sense of an interface. 几乎没有哪个属性具备与生俱来的意义,但是各种视觉元素的各个属性的不同和相同组合在一起才让界面具备了意义。
- They sank their differences and joined hands in the business. 他们消除了分歧,携手共进。
- The work of the IGC over the past four years had demonstrated this precious variety and exposed both the differences and similarities. IGC过去四年的工作表现了这种珍贵的多样性,也揭示出差异和类似。