- Mary came to do homage to the dead man. 玛丽过来向死者告别。
- People throughout the world will always do homage to the genius of Shakespeare. 全世界人们将永远敬佩莎士比亚的天才。
- Crowds of people gathered to do homage to the Mayor when he visited there. 当市长到那访问时,人群聚集向他致敬。
- Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to Daniel, and gave orders to present to him an offering and fragrant incense. 当时尼布甲尼撒王、俯伏在地、向但以理下拜、并且吩咐人给他奉上供物和香品。
- But should the banner staff of Merry Mount be fortunate, sunshine would break upon the hills, and flowers would beautify the forest, and late posterity do homage to the Maypole. 这就是欢乐山的殖民者们,他们在夕阳余晖照耀下,团团围住自己崇拜的五月柱。
- We pay homage to the genius of Shakespeare. 我们对莎士比亚的天才表示敬仰。
- That socialistic nation pay homage to the previous premier. 那个社会主义国家向前任首相表达敬意。
- Mary came to pay homage to the dead man. 玛丽过来向死者告别。
- We do homage to the genius of Shakespeare 我们对莎土比亚的天才表示敬意。
- The soldiers swore to pay their homage to the Queen. 士兵们宣誓效忠于女王陛下。
- They bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldiers. 他们向无名烈士墓鞠躬致敬。
- In feudal times in Europe the nobles had to do homage to their sovereign 在欧洲封建时代,贵族们必须向君主表示崇敬。
- I reflection, I am willing to pay homage to nature. 我在反思,我甘心对大自然顶礼膜拜。
- He describes his book as 'a homage to my father'. 他说他的书是“献给父亲”的。
- The kings of France paid homage to no one. 法国国王不对任何人效忠。
- Paid homage to the sea and sought a magic drug. 拜海求仙
- For newcomers to visit and pay homage to. 我辈复登临。
- Everyone pays homage to the soldiers. 每个人都对军人表示敬意。
- Also come here to pay homage to Da Yu? 还来过这儿祭祀大禹哪!
- The Imperial Guards presented homage to the king. 皇家警卫队向国王宣誓效忠。