- dibenzoyl hydrazine 二苯甲酰肼
- An acyl derivative of hydrazine. 酰肼一种由肼衍生而来的酰
- Reaction with hydrazine forms the hydrazidine. 与肼反应时,形成肼定。
- Hydrazine perchlorate and lithium perchlorate form two eutectics. 过氯酸肼和过氯酸锂形成两种低共熔物。
- Byname: Hydrazine monohydrate.Molecular formula: H2N:NH2.H2O. 产品英文名:Hydrazine;hydrate产品别名: 水合联氨 分子式:H2N:NH2.
- The hydrazine sulfate has been prepared by the hydrazine hydrate. 首先用尿素氧化法制备水合肼,然后加入浓硫酸得产物硫酸肼。
- The material is readily prepared by reaction of formaldehyde and hydrazine. 这种物质很容易由甲醛和肼反应而得到。
- The craft, a spy satellite, was carrying around 450kg of toxic hydrazine fuel. 这颗间谍卫星大约运载着 450 千克有毒联氨燃料。
- The dibenzoyl thiamine synthesizedby the above processing can completely meet the needs of modern food industry. 结果表明,所合成出的二苯酰硫胺素完全符合现代食品加工业的要求。
- Second line drugs include dibenzoyl peroxide, benzoyl peroxide,clindamycin,calcineurin inhibitors,and permethrin. 二线药物包括:过氧化二苯甲酰,过氧苯甲酰,克林霉素,钙神经蛋白抑制剂以及扑灭司林等。
- The study on the synthesis processing of dibenzoyl thiamine and its severalspecific properties are detailed through the experiments. 通过实验进行了二苯酰硫胺素化学合成工艺及其有关特性的研究。
- Recently the reactivity of nitric esters in the presence of hydrazine has been investigated. 人们近来研究了有肼存在时硝酸酯的反应性。
- It was found that an increase in the stability of the combustor was obtained simply by gelling the hydrazine. 发现简单地通过肼胶化的方法可使燃烧室的稳定性提高。
- This main research of method determinesthe residue amount of the butyral hydrazine in the peanut kernel fast. 摘要:本方法主要研究了快速测定花生米中丁酰肼的残留量。
- Adsorption and decomposition of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) in red soil and yellow-brown soil are performed in the present study. 对偏二甲肼在红壤土和黄棕壤土中的吸附及降解进行了研究。
- Table 3 shows the change in the chemical composition of the process solution after 10 vol.% of hydrazine is added at the end of the fourth cycle. 表3显示在第四个周期的最后,加入容积百分之10的氮化物,则其过程溶液中的化学成份会改变。
- Any of various chemical compounds containing two amino groups,especially hydrazine. 二胺,联胺含有两个氨基的化合物,特别是联氨
- Background: Animal studies suggest that hydrazine is a lung carcinogen, but human studies have been rare, rather small, and limited to cancer mortality. 背景:动物研究发现联氨可能为肺部致癌物质,但人类研究相当少,且局限于癌症死亡率之调查。
- Engineers believe the use of booster hydrazine fuel will freeze in the near future. 工程师认为它的推进器使用的联氨燃料不久就将冻结。
- AIM: A reversed phase HPLC method wa s esta blished to determine hydrazine in plasma. 目的 :建立RP HPLC法测定血浆中异烟肼毒性代谢物肼的方法。