- Class method will not be raised. 类方法关联的事件将不会引发。
- To use this feature, insert the attribute before the class method. 要使用此功能,请在类方法前插入此属性。
- If a conflict occurs, the imported method overrides the base class method. 如果发生冲突,则导入的方法将重写基类方法。
- In order to forecast accurately height of each diameter class of poplar in Jiangsu Province,the quadric parabola function with five parameters was established. 用江苏省杨树解析木编制了杨树标准树高曲线模型,该模型引入了适宜的林分控制因子(树龄和地位指数),是具有统计学意义的树高曲线模型。
- COM clients cannot access class methods directly. COM客户端无法直接访问类方法。
- Gets the name of the binding class method which that the protocol importer is currently generating. 获取协议导入程序当前正在生成的绑定类方法的名称。
- It is possible for malicious code to cast back to the base type and call the base class method. 恶意代码有可能会重新强制转换为基类型,并调用基类方法。
- In some situations, you may need to ensure that a base class method is not overridden. 在某些条件下,可能需要确保不重写某种基类方法。
- Keyword was used to define this method, the derived class method is not calledthe base class method is called instead. 关键字来定义此方法,所调用的不是派生类方法,而是基类方法。
- Class methods are not compiled and no Debug output is generated. 类方法,也不会生成调试输出。
- Class, those actions can be expressed as class methods. 类,这些操作可以表示为类方法。
- Allows you to override base class methods in a derived class. 允许在派生类中重写基类方法。
- Keyword, objects of the derived class will call that method rather than the base class method. 关键字,则派生类的对象将调用该方法,而不调用基类方法。
- Each generated proxy class method calls the invoke method to call the related Web service method. 生成的每个代理类方法都调用invoke方法,从而调用相关的Web服务方法。
- Method in custom controls, call the base class method to ensure trace information is correctly captured. 方法时,调用基类方法以确保正确捕获跟踪信息。
- Method, the adapter should call the corresponding base class method before any additional processing. 方法时,适配器应在进行任何其他处理之前调用相应的基类方法。
- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- The return value of this function is currently ignored, return the same value as returned by the base class method if you override it. 该方法的返回值通常被忽略,如果重载了基类方法则返回值与基类方法所返回的要一致。
- The diameter of the tree-trunk is about 2 meters. 这树干的直径大约是2米。
- It should be illegal for a derived class to override a base class method with a NOP method, that is, a method that does nothing. 在派生类中用空方法(也就是什么也不做的方法)来覆写基类中的方法应当是非法的。