- A further development of this situation might lead to a typological shift from STV to SOV, but so far no single dialect of Wu has completed such a shift. 这种趋势在浙江沿海吴语中尤为突出,其进一步发展有可能导致STV向SOV的历史演变,只是目前尚未到此阶段。
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
- The dialect of ancient Greek used in Arcadia. 阿卡迪亚语在阿卡迪亚使用的古希腊方言
- The dialect of French spoken by these people. 瓦龙语瓦龙人讲的法语方言
- He seemed to walk in the direction of Wu Mart. 他好像是朝物美商城的方向走的。
- The Germanic dialect of the Alemanni. 日耳曼方言阿勒曼尼人使用的日耳曼方言
- C. A sister of Wu Dong's father. 听下面一段对话,回答8-10小题。
- The High German dialect of Bavaria and Austria. 巴伐利亚语一种巴伐利亚地区和奥地利的高地德语
- The ancient or modern Greek dialect of Cyprus. 塞浦路斯语塞浦路斯古代或现代的希腊方言
- The early precambrian geology of Wu Taishan II. 五台山早前寒武纪地质2。
- The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa. 奥塔瓦语奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言
- Critical evaluation of Wu Li's religious thought. 吴历宗教思想述评。
- The Minnan dialect of Chinese spoken on Taiwan. 台湾方言台湾所讲的中国闽南方言
- Bottom: One of Wu's children plays with a piglet. 下图:吴正平顽皮的儿子,最爱逗弄小猪。
- A dialect of French spoken by the Acadians. 阿卡迪亚语阿卡迪亚人所说的法语方言
- They speak a dialect of Turkish. 他们说土耳其语的一种方言。
- The dialect of English spoken by Geordies. 北英格兰语北英格兰人说的英语方言
- The dialect of English spoken in Kent. 肯特方言属英语的肯特方言
- The dialect of Sahaptin spoken by the Yakima. 雅基马语雅基马人所讲的沙哈普安语的方言