- diagnose the underlying motive 探询真实情况
- Diagnose the underlying causes of the difficulties that the JITD program was created to solve. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this program? 诊断出JITD计划准备解决的困难的基本原因之所在。计划的好处与劣处在哪里?
- You can also notice the justifications users give for their actions.Their justifications can hint at the underlying motivations for behavior. 也可以在用户为他们某些行为辩解时做下记录,因为这些辩解正是隐含着的这些行为的动机。
- Such a political force is doubtlessly worth close watch and study for a deep understanding of the underlying motivation of the strategy followed by the sole superpower in the present world. 关注和研究这样一只政治力量无疑有助于深刻理解世界头号强国的发展演变的内在动因,洞察其战略虚实,把握其政策走向。
- The underlying idea is an appealing one. 基础的概念是一种吸引人的概念。
- It was all so plain about his true, underlying motive. 他的真正内在动机在哪里,现在已经是清清楚楚了。
- Object and the underlying stream. 对象和基础流。
- Writes a byte array to the underlying stream. 将字节数组写入基础流。
- The underlying list does not support sorting. 基础列表不支持排序。
- Returns the underlying system type for this enum. 返回该枚举的基础系统类型。
- A big driver is the underlying collateral. 一个主要原因是基础担保物的存在。
- We dug down to the underlying rock. 我们往下挖直到碰到了下面的石块。
- But religion supplies the underlying viciousness. 但其背后却是宗教势力在推动。
- The underlying theme of the novel is very serious. 小说隐含的主题是十分严肃的。
- The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown. 失败的根本原因尚未搞清。
- Highly narcissistic but not distinctly psychopathic people,with a psychotic core,who kill those close to them(jealousy an underlying motive). 极度自恋但并未展现明显心理病态的人,内在有精神病倾向,杀害近亲的人(嫉妒是导致他们杀人的一大动机)。
- Highly narcissistic but not distinctly psychopathi people, with a psychotic core, who kill those close to them (jealousy an underlying motive). 没有心里病态、但心中蕴藏怒火的人在被激怒时杀人。
- The features are inputted into BP neural network to diagnose the type of working conditions.The trained network can be used to monitor and diagnos the aluminum reduction cells on line. 利用小波包多维多分辨率特性,对铝电解槽电压波动信号进行分解与重构,实现与工作状态干扰因素相关的特征信息的提取,将其作为特征向量输入BP神经网络,对其进行训练。
- The underlying value may be of any type. 基础值可以是任意类型。
- Value is of the same type as the underlying type. Value的类型与基础类型相同。