- GOR have multiple effects on the dew point pressure. 当高于此数值时,露点压力又随气油比增大而减小。
- The retrograde condensation impact tends to be unavoidable because the phenomenon that bottomhole producing pressure is lower than dew point pressure is easy to be found in productivity well test. 而在产能试井中很容易出现井底流压低于露点压力的情况,因此反凝析现象不可避免。
- In order to tackle such problem, this paper analyzes the changes and features of oil-gas phase permeability and of dew point pressure at different recovery stages.In addition, this arti... 针对这一生产现象,分析了不同开采阶段气藏露点压力和油气相渗透率的变化规律与特征,指出,优化凝析气井生产制度必须有效地监测凝析气井积液和地层压力,采用节点分析方法确定合理的生产制度参数。
- difference between formation pressure and dew point pressure 地露压差
- Study on effect of porous media on dew point pressure of condensate gas 多孔介质对凝析气露点压力影响研究
- Determination method and affecting factors for dew point pressure of condensate gas 凝析气露点压力的确定及影响因素
- dew point pressure 露点压力
- The outside dew point is so low that mildew is seldom a problem. 户外霜点低,因此霜霉病很少发生。
- The dew point varies with climate and the daily weather patterns. 露点随气候和每日天气情况而改变。
- Natural gas - Correlation between water content and water dew point. 水分含量和水露点的相互关系。
- But if the surrounding air has a dew point of 3oC, the mould will not sweat. 若模具周围的空气是露点3℃的干燥空气,模具便不流汗。
- Dew point is a temperature, but it measures the absolute humidity of air. 露点是个温度,但它表示空气的绝对湿度。
- The temperature at which the water vapor in a given sample of air becomes saturated is called the dew point. 使一已知空气样品中的水蒸汽达到饱和时的温度称为露点。
- During the course of cultivation, conglobate and petite colonies like dew point on solid medium with 1% nutrient agar could be obwerved. 在含1%25营养琼脂的固体培养基上均形成圆形、露滴状的小菌落;
- A: Condensation occurs when the temperature of the substrate falls below the dew point. 回答:在基体温度降至露点以下时会发生冷凝。
- During the winter month in arid climates, the outside dew point is low so that mildew is seldom a problem. 冬季的月份里,气候干燥,户外露点低,因此很少发生霜霉
- Steam is formed if the boiling point pressure for the temperature of the reservoir is reached. 如果达到对应于热储温度的沸点压力,就会形成蒸气。
- The dew point is the highest temperature to which the air cools to saturation moisture content. 露点是空气降温到含水量饱和的(最高)温度。
- Objective To evaluate leak point pressure (LPP) determination in the diagnosis of female stress urinary incontinence. 目的 进一步明确漏尿点压力(LPP) 测定对女性压力性尿失禁(SUI) 的诊断意义。
- Curvaceousness actress Pamela-Anderson (Pamela Anderson) Shumengzhuang way for a passionate dew point. 波霸帕米拉激情露点透明装上阵风骚性感[转贴2007-08-1608:35:23