- We will focus on the following five areas. First, we will steadily develop grain production. We will effectively keep the area planted in gr... 今年重点抓好五件事:一是稳定发展粮食生产。切实稳定种植面积,着力提高单产,优化品种结构,推进全国新增千亿斤粮食生产能力建设。
- Because this stabilizes development grain production, implementation can develop the strategy continuously, it is the important step that revitalizes Jilin to save economy. 因此稳定发展粮食生产,实现可持续发展战略,是振兴吉林省经济的重要措施。
- The development grain of this text synopsis investigation philosophy form absolute being theories, and inquiry into the form absolute being theories from here to the literature appreciate beauty of correspond. 本文简要考察哲学形神理论的发展脉络,并由此探讨形神理论对文艺审美的切入。
- While continuing to develop grain production in this period,the Chinese government has initiated measures to readjust the structure of agricultural production and develop a diversified agricultural economy. 这一时期,中国政府在继续发展粮食生产的同时,积极主动地进行农业生产结构调整,发展多种经营。
- While continuing to develop grain production in this period, the Chinese government has initiated measures to readjust the structure of agricultural production and develop a diversified agricultural economy. 这一时期,中国政府在继续发展粮食生产的同时,积极主动地进行农业生产结构调整,发展多种经营。
- The results showed that changetrend Of protein in developing grain among different species and type basiclly fol-lowed the same pattern. 结果表明,小麦不同种及不同类型,其籽粒发育中蛋白质含量的变化趋势基本一致。
- We also developed grains & oatmeal for the elderly, and separate vitamin drinks for men and women. 适合银发族的活力宝典养身榖类产品、男性和女性维他命口服液等等。
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
- A factory must try to diversify for further development. 一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。
- The development was adverse to our interests. 这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。
- The town has been designated a development area. 该城市已被定为开发区。
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 开发小船坞的资金是由当地议会提供的。
- The development and growth of an embryo. 胚胎发生胚胎的发展与生长
- Insufficient mental development. 智力缺陷,智障智能发育不足
- Conditions were propitious for development. 情况对发展很有利。
- Inadequate food can stunt a child's development. 食物不足能影响儿童的发育。
- It's a process of gradual development. 这是一个逐渐发展的过程。
- The book traces the development of philosophy. 该书追溯了哲学的发展过程。