- Canada Climate Change Development Fund. 该基金由加拿大国际开发局管理。
- China mulls renewable energy development fund. 中国拟设立可再生能源发展基金。
- Central Research Development Fund: Parsing and Competence in SLA. 中央研究发展基金:第二语言掌握的剖析与胜任能力。
- He discloses, a few abroad try to do to developing fund to be in last week empty 9 cities, "Wall street this side is gainful person compare our foregone again one pace " . 他透露,上周几个国外对冲基金都在试图做空九城,“华尔街这帮唯利是图者又比我们先走了一步”。
- Both public fund and development fund for population and family planning are established and interests of loans and their terms are favored. 建立人口与计划生育公益基金和发展基金,在贷款利息、期限等方面给予优惠。
- The State department is pressuring Syria to turn over all illegal assets to the Development fund for Iraq. 国务院在向叙利亚施压,要让叙利亚退回所有伊拉克发展基金里的非法所得。
- To support a broader goal of strengthening local governance, the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP worked with the Government of Malawi to develop pilot projects for participatory planning and financing of district-level capital investment. 为支持强化地方施政这一广泛目标,联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)和开发计划署与马拉维政府协作,开发了地区一级资本投资参与式规划和筹资试点项目。
- The aDB also has special operations connected with the asian Development Fund (similar to the IDa) which has granted over 4 bil of concessionary loans. 亚洲开发银行也与亚洲开发基金会(类似亚行)联合,该基金拿出40亿美元的优惠贷款。
- During the latter half of the year, a China Development Fund was established through a donation to further the development of Outward Bound in the Mainland. 在下半年度,该校利用一笔捐款成立了中国发展基金,进一步在内地发展外展训练活动。
- Barings Investment Management and the China Real Estate Development Fund, a major investment in the Beijing real estate market listing Fund. 霸菱投资管理着中国房地产开发基金及一家主要投资于北京房地产市场的香港上市基金。
- She is now the vice chairlady of the Arts and Culture Development Fund, mainly in promoting the arts culture in Hong Kong. 并应香港教育学院邀请担任其考试评委。梁氏亦积极推广文化艺术,现为文化艺术发展基金会副主席。
- Prize 1: Prosperous Pigs x 2, drawn by Mr Wu Yun Qian of Dalian Parkland Group and Tu Meng of China Youth Development Fund. 奖品1,招财金猪。抽奖人:大连百年城董事长百年职校名誉校长吴云前先生,中国青少年发展基金会秘书长涂猛先生
- To support a broader goal of strengthening local governance,the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP worked with the Government of Malawi to develop pilot projects for participatory planning and financing of district-level capital investment. 为支持强化地方施政这一广泛目标,联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)和开发计划署与马拉维政府协作,开发了地区一级资本投资参与式规划和筹资试点项目。
- During the latter half of the year,a China Development Fund was established through a donation to further the development of Outward Bound in the Mainland. 在下半年度,该校利用一笔捐款成立了中国发展基金,进一步在内地发展外展训练活动。
- The National Development Fund , Executive Yuan of Taiwan granted one hundred and fifty million Taiwan dollars for Fully Young Biotech Company to research and develop Groupers and Cobia vaccine. 行政院开发基金已核准通过一亿五千万元计划给进行石斑鱼、海鲡鱼疫苗等研发工作之富立洋生物科技公司.
- The Central Bank's reserves are around $38 billion; the government has siphoned tens of billions more into an unaudited National Development Fund, and other off-budget places. 国家央行的储备为380亿美元左右;政府已经将数百亿美元注入到未审计的国家发展基金,与其它预算之外的地方。
- China is a developing country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的发展中国家。
- Day rule the Department of Research and Development Fund Zhang Xiaojun, deputy director of the view that market momentum continues to rise postganglionic exceeded expectations. 天治基金研究发展部副总监张晓君认为,市场节后的上涨势头依然超出了预期。
- Fantasized finally how many 13 research and development funds do have? 最终幻想13的研发资金有多少?
- Chew Mei Fun should set a leading example by becoming the first BN MP in Selangor to announce the expenditure of her annual BN MP Constituency Development Fund. 周美芬应该以身作则,成为雪州国阵第一个公开选区拨款下落的国会议员,而不是一直针对我们的呼吁展示不闻不问,不理不睬的态度。