- The point in the software development cycle at which a product is released to and accepted by its intended user for operational use. 软件研制周期中的一点。在这一点应将产品交付给计划中的用户并被接受供其使用。
- The tire retreading is the necessary choice of tire industry developing cycle economy. 轮胎翻新是轮胎业发展循环经济的必然选择。
- To develop cycle economy is a kind of embody in our country along the drive of new type industrialize. 发展循环经济是国内走新型工业化道路的具体表现。
- A vector-hydrophone array simulator can generate the target radiated noise and the ambient noise.Its application can effectively shorten the developing cycle of a digital sonar. 模拟器可以模拟实际海洋环境中目标的辐射特性和噪声特性,应用模拟器可以有效地缩短声纳的研制周期。
- It always is an inseparable part of the research and development cycle. 它总是研究和开发周期中的一个不可缺少的部分。
- In order to reduce the cost of developing VLSI test program and shorten developing cycle, an idea of a simulator design of test system and gives the simulator s structure and function is put up. 为了降低开发超大规模集成电路器件的测试程序的费用,缩短开发周期,给出了一种设计和开发测试系统仿真器的基本思想、结构组成及其功能。
- Chinese sports industry take on an advantaged environment of development within the economic developing cycle of the Eleventh Nations"Five-Year-Plan". 中国体育产业在“十一五”经济发展周期中,具有十分有利的发展环境,但体育产业在发展中还面临总体育发展不平衡;
- HASP SRM means faster development cycles. HASP SRM意味着更快的开发周期,
- At the same time our internal economy is stepping into a benign development cycle stage by stage.That creates a nice environment for the international market developing of MEPS. 与此同时,我国国内经济正逐步进入良性发展循环,为机电产品的国际市场拓展创造了良好的环境。
- The user-friendly view facilitates interaction with nontechnical business analysts without impeding the development cycle. 用户友好的视图方便了与非技术的业务分析师的交流,不会影响开发周期。
- At present, there exist some problems in developing mine ventilation software such as long development cycle, redevelopment, low commercialization and weak extensibility. 摘要目前,我国矿井通风系统软件的研制和应用中存在着系统开发周期长、重复开发、商品化程度低以及可扩展性差等问题。
- Changing activities midway through the development cycle could easily introduce a new set of dynamics to the project. 开发周期中途更改活动很可能会引入一组新的动力到项目。
- Keeping each language file on hand ensures that none is left out of the development cycle. 使每个语言文件可用确保了在开发周期内没有遗漏任何文件。
- RUP defines the end-to-end development cycle as an iterative process, as shown in Figure 3. RUP把端到端的开发周期定义为迭代过程,如图3所示。
- Throughout the course of a typical development cycle, you likely returned to the project properties many times. 在一个典型的开发周期中,可能会多次返回到该项目属性。
- Requirements analysis is an important step in an information system development cycle. 需求分析是信息系统或软件开发生命周期中一个重要阶段 ,并具有自己的生命周期。
- The applications show that the system can greatly enhance design efficiency and shorten product development cycle. 应用实例表明系统可以极大地提高产品设计效率,缩短产品开发周期。
- Software can be tested at various stages of the development cycle and with various degrees of rigor. 软件能够基于各种不同严格程度在开发周期的不同阶段被测试。
- Those results show the concept of this method ias clear, development cycle is short and equipment cost is reduced. 通过这种仿真和实验,证明该设计方法概念清晰,开发周期较短,降低了设备成本。
- To this end, banks could encourage the development of real loans and development cycle duration match. 为此,可以鼓励银行发放真正的开发贷款,期限与开发周期相匹配。