- determine the nature of sth. 决定 ... 的性质
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。
- Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。
- How to determine the nature of the acts of COFCO and Hokkaido Fisheries? 如何认定中粮公司及北海道渔联的行为呢?
- Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质。
- Relating to or of the nature of fermentation. 有关于发酵本质的或发酵性的
- To separate into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole; examine methodically. 分析分成部分或基本要素来确定整体性质;用方法检验
- In her talk she went into the nature of imperialism. 她在报告中探讨了帝国主义的本性。
- Because of the limited scope of the test program, it is not possible to determine the nature of the stabilizing effect. 由于试验计划的规模有限,不可能确定这稳定效应的性质。
- To separate into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole;examine methodically. 分析分成部分或基本要素来确定整体性质;用方法检验
- Marked by or having the nature of convulsions. 痉挛的以痉挛为特征或者具有痉挛性质的
- The form and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization. 劳动派遣的样态和性质决定了派遣机构的性质。
- Having the nature of fantasies or dreams; illusory. 幻觉的具有幻想或梦性质的; 幻觉的
- A subsidiary purpose of the transformation calculation was to determine the nature of these deviations. 转型计算的另一个辅助的目的是测定这些背离的本质。
- Without the support of so many veteran Party comrades, it would have been hard even to determine the nature of the incident. 如果没有我们党这么多老同志支持,甚至连事件的性质都难以确定。
- Without the support of so many veteran Party comrades,it would have been hard even to determine the nature of the incident. 如果没有我们党这么多老同志支持,甚至连事件的性质都难以确定。
- Examine the delivery status of the individual notifications to determine the nature of the failures and what action to take to correct the condition. 检查各个通知的传递状态,确定故障性质以及纠正此情况需要采取的操作。
- The nature of operations and the volume of transactions in the particular business determine the number and type of journals needed. 在特定的企业中,经营的性质和经济业务的数量决定所需日记账的数量和类型。
- Of or having the nature of an invocation. 乞灵和乞灵有关的或带乞灵性质的
- In order to understand this, we may, with Haber consider two factors that determine the nature of the primary precipitate, the aggregation velocity and the orientation velocity. 晶核的生成中有两种成核作用,一是均相成核作用,另一种为异相成核作用。