- Gets the time that the message arrived in the destination queue. 获取消息到达目标队列的时间。
- The total time for a sent message to be received from the destination queue. 从目标队列接收已发送消息所需的总时间。
- Property to specify how long a message has to try to reach its destination queue. 属性指定消息必须用多长时间尝试到达目标队列。
- Sets/returns the amount of time allowed to deliver the message to its destination queue. 设定/返回将消息传递到目标队列所允许花费时间。
- Property indicates whether delivery of a message is guaranteed, even if a computer crashes while the message is en route to the destination queue. 属性指示是否保证消息的传递,即使计算机在消息传递到目标队列的途中崩溃。
- The time limit includes the time spent getting to the destination queue and the time spent waiting in the queue before the message is received. 时间限制包括到达目标队列所需的时间,以及收到消息前在队列中等待的时间。
- Under telecommunications access method(TCAM),a queue containing messages that could not be placed in the appropriate destination queue for a terminal or application program. 在远程通信存取方法(TCAM)中的一种队列,其中包含不能放进终端或应用程序的适当目的队列的报文。
- Sending messages as part of a transaction ensures that the messages are delivered in order, delivered only once, and successfully retrieved from their destination queue. 将消息作为事务的一部分发送确保了消息按顺序传递、只传递一次以及从它们的目标队列成功检索。
- This time limit includes the time spent getting to the destination queue, plus the time spent waiting in the queue before the message is retrieved by an application. 此时间限制包括到达目标队列的用时,加上应用程序检索消息前在队列中等待的时间。
- When a message arrives for a stopped queue, Service Broker holds the message in the transmission queue for the database until the destination queue becomes available. 当消息到达已停止的队列时,Service Broker会将该消息保存在数据库的传输队列中,直到目标队列可用为止。
- When you send an application-encrypted message, the receiving queue manager uses the symmetric key to decrypt the message before sending it to its destination queue. 发送应用程序加密的消息时,接收队列管理器在将消息发送到其目标队列之前,使用对称密钥解密该消息。
- Transactional processing allows you to ensure that the messages in a transaction are delivered in order, are delivered only once, and are successfully retrieved from the destination queue. 利用事务性处理,您可以确保事务中的消息按照顺序传送,只传送一次,并且从目的队列成功地被检索。
- You can couple several related messages into a single transaction, ensuring that the messages are delivered in order, delivered only once, and are successfully retrieved from their destination queue. 将多个相关消息耦合为单个事务,确保消息按顺序传递、只传递一次并且可以从它们的目标队列中被成功地检索。
- The acknowledgment messages sent to the administration queue can indicate whether or not the original message reached its destination queue, and whether or not it was removed from the queue. 发送到管理队列的确认消息可以指示原始消息是否到达了目标队列,以及是否已从队列中被移除。
- When a message is sent to its destination queue, Message Queuing can be requested to post an acknowledgment message. 将消息发送到它的目标队列时,可以请求消息队列发送一条确认消息。
- This indicates to Message Queuing that the sender should not be validated when it sends the message to the destination queue. 这向消息队列表明,当发送方向目标队列发送消息时不应验证发送方。
- Specifies the priority Message Queuing applies to a message while it is en route to a queue, and when inserting the message into the destination queue. 指定消息队列在消息传递到队列的过程中应用于该消息的优先级,以及指定何时将消息插入目标队列。
- The queue of prisoners shuffled towards the door. 那队囚犯拖着沉重的步子向门口蹭去。
- The scout spurred on to the destination. 侦察员向目的地疾驰而去。
- Please keep me a place in the queue. 排队时请给我占个位置。