- I heard sounds of a desperate struggle, just above my room. 我听到就在我上面的房间里有拼命挣扎的声音。
- The possibility of putting uo a desperate struggle by the enemy should not be dismissed. 敌人负隅顽抗的可能性是不可不加考虑的。
- The vicious bandits had to put up a desperate struggle and be killed or to give up and be executed; they were between Scylla and Charybdis. 这伙凶残的匪徒已别无选择,他们要么负隅顽抗而身亡,要么投降而受正法;他们已是身陷绝境中。
- TIME is running out for Jerry Yang, the boss of Yahoo!, in his increasingly desperate struggle to rebuff Microsoft. 对于负隅顽抗回击微软的杨致远来说,时间尤为紧迫。
- The vicious bandits had to put up a desperate struggle and be killed or to give up and be executed,they were between Scylla and Charybdis. 这伙凶残的匪徒已别无选择,他们要么负隅顽抗而身亡,要么投降而受正法,他们已是身陷绝境中。
- It depicts the desperate struggle of the monarchy and implies that the feudalist ruling class is sure to perish under the severe struggle of peasants' uprising. 真实地反映了处于封建末世的亡国之君的垂死挣扎,深刻地揭示了在农民起义的沉重打击下,外强中干的封建统治阶级必然灭亡的历史规律;
- British and teammate Tian did not timid retreat, with their desperate struggle for the new China, to complete a good task to see Chairman Mao's fiery faith, solemnly set. 田震英和队友们没有畏怯退缩,他们怀着为新中国拼命奋斗、完成好任务就去见毛主席的火热信念,庄严地立下了军令状。
- The present war was launched on the eve of the general collapse of world imperialism and, above all, of the fascist countries; That is the very reason the enemy has launched this adventurist war, which is in the nature of a last desperate struggle. 此次战争发动于世界帝国主义首先是法西斯国家大崩溃的前夜,敌人也正是为了这一点才举行这个带最后挣扎性的冒险战争。
- The present war was launched on the eve of the general collapse of world imperialism and,above all,of the fascist countries; That is the very reason the enemy has launched this adventurist war,which is in the nature of a last desperate struggle. 此次战争发动于世界帝国主义首先是法西斯国家大崩溃的前夜,敌人也正是为了这一点才举行这个带最后挣扎性的冒险战争。
- The 21st century is seemingly peaceful but no less marked by a desperate struggle - the battle to protect our livelihoods and future by halting the uneconomic war on the environment. 21世纪看起来和平一些,但仍然少不了战斗---一场非经济的保护我们未来生计环境的战斗。
- BABY is an adaptation of Danish author Kirsten Thorup's award-winning first novel, the gripping tale of rootless young urbanites and their desperate struggle to find and understand love. 兰妮婚姻失败,以替国外色情片翻译字幕维生,妹妹则在街头游荡卖春,深陷毒瘾无法自拔。
- Of course there is few stubborn Yin energy that tends to put up a desperate struggle, even arising all at once, and antagonize the strong Orthodox School field by producing many destructive ideas. 当然,有极少数的顽阴也可能负隅顽抗,甚至当即跳了出来,使人心中产生多种破坏性的念头,进行对抗。
- But our army is smaller and smaller later, so a lot of people begin forsake darkness for light, begin drop in successionSmoke, remnant us a few diehard are over there " put up a desperate struggle " . 但后来我们的队伍越来越小,原来很多人都开始弃暗投明,纷纷开始戒烟,只剩我们几个顽固分子在那里“负隅顽抗”。
- , in his increasingly desperate struggle to rebuff Microsoft. 作为雅虎的老总,他正在努力抵抗微软的收购提议。
- and in this present war the attack on Stalingrad is the expression of the last desperate struggle of fascism itself. 而在战争中,又以攻击斯大林格勒表现它自己的最后挣扎。
- and in this present war the attack on stalingrad is the expression of the last desperate struggle of fascism itself 而在战争中,又以攻击斯大林格勒表现它自己的最后挣扎。
- His struggle with adversity is fruitless. 他徒与不幸挣扎而毫无结果。
- They invoked help in the desperate situation. 他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。
- Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved. 这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。
- He's desperate for a glass of water. 他极想喝一杯水。