- Seem to hear the foot sound that you step cloud since then, the happy felling wears me around.The desire sleep returns an exhibition aforetime a book.Dear of, I miss you! 好像听到了你的脚步声,突入其来的幸福感一下子笼罩了我;一下子睡意全无,让我不禁想起了以前的一本书,因为里面有你的影子;亲爱的,我想你。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- Age and wedlock we all desire and repent of. 成年与婚姻,均为我辈所欲,亦为我辈所悔。
- The doctor gave him a sedative to help him sleep. 医生给了他镇静剂帮助他入睡。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。
- The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。
- Nothing he does is commensurate to our desire. 他做的事没一件使我们称心。
- He has a genuine desire to help us. 他真心诚意地愿意帮助我们。
- A growing child needs plenty of sleep. 正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。
- It is obvious that they have no desire for peace. 很显然,他们没有和平的愿望。
- He keeps late hours and gets very little sleep. 他睡得很晚,而且只睡一点儿时间。
- We have to consider the question of where to sleep. 我们得考虑在何处安歇的问题。
- The old cat quietly packed up in his sleep. 那只老猫在睡梦中静静地死去。
- They had little desire for wealth/to get rich. 他们对财富[致富]无大欲望。
- Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health. 缺乏睡眠有害健康。
- He has neither talent nor the desire to learn. 他既无天分也不想学习。
- The mother lulled the baby to sleep. 母亲哄着孩子入睡了。
- She had just woken from a deep sleep. 她刚从熟睡中醒来。
- Excessive sexual desire in a female. 女性色情狂女性过多的性欲