- High Pressure Vessel Design Construction Principles. 高压容器设计制造原理。
- Design construction built-in an Aluminium box, protected by black elox coat. 所设计的稳压器将被放置在一个铝箱内并有黑色(?)
- This is the first international construction Union Center, will convene in China. 这是国际建筑中心联盟第一次在中国召开年会。
- Anti-war rhetoric dominated the speeches of several Democratic candidates who recently addressed a convention of construction union workers in Washington. 几位民主党候选人的发言主要都是反战的论调。他们最近在华盛顿工人建设会议上发表了演说。
- How to design construction scaffolding is the key point in the maintenance construction of space grid structures. 在空间网架维护施工中,如何设计施工脚手架是工程的关键。
- We pro-vide with a grop of seasoned engineers,and provide services such as layout,design construction,serutiny. 拥有一支资深优秀的工程技术人员,集企划、设计、施工、监理为一体的科技人员队伍。
- Anti-war rhetoric dominated the speeches of several Democratic candidates who recently addressed a convention of construction union workers in Washington. Among them was Delaware Senator Joe Biden. 好几位民主党候选人的最近在华盛顿工人联盟发表的演说都被反战论调所主导。他们中的代表人物是特拉华州参议员。
- Construction design phase: Revise as initial design, harmonious as each major, complete plan of interior design construction. 施工设计阶段:修改初步设计、与各专业协调、完成室内设计施工图。
- Jundu hotel is according to the standard of four star design construction luxurious commercial hotel, is located the Ningpo city Yin state central area lively land sector. 君度大酒店是按四星级标准设计建造的豪华商务酒店,位于宁波市鄞州中心区繁华地段。
- Professional architectural decoration company founder who is now a "China Institute of Interior Design Construction Branch" members, the state registered architect. 公司创始人建筑装饰专业出身,现为“中国建筑学会室内设计分会”会员、国家注册设计师。
- We focus on all aspects of Facade Design, Construction and Project Management to create unique and landmark developments that satisfy all of the Client's requirements. 我们全方位的专注于外墙设计,建造和项目治理,创造出独一无二和标志性的建设来满足客户的所有需要。
- Commune under Great Wall, is by 12 Asia outstanding architect design construct "s private collect "s current generation architecture art work. 长城下的公社,是由12名亚洲杰出建筑师设计建造的私人收藏的当代建筑艺术作品。
- Analyse and adjust variation between actual product and designed construction. 分析并调整实际生产和设计之间的差异。
- The lands below the center plane were excavated to allow for the downward pyramid of the octahedron design construct, thus connecting energetically to both above and below. 中心面以下的土地被挖空,以便容纳八面体构造的金字塔的下半部,因此上方和下方的能量得以连通。
- Various design constructions of cores assembling jig for cylinder blocks was compared and analyzed. 摘要对气缸体组芯夹具的各种设计结构进行对比分析。
- The modelling of setting wall, window, furniture, droplight and design constructed the sitting room of a Chinese style. 背景墙、窗户、家具、吊灯的造型及款式营造了一个中式的客厅。
- To examine and develop the process by which designers construct solutions, reflecting on the way we think about design. 从设计师的角度检验和发展我们对设计的理解和认知。
- In this thesis, a novel computational modeling approach to design constructible shapes is introduced. 其中阴影造形法是目前重建人脸立体资料的方法中,较安全且较便宜的一个方法。
- Approved pump flange shall be 2-piece design constructed of brass body and end adaptor. 经过认可的泵法兰应该是黄铜阀体和尾管适配器2件式结构。
- Dachang company will inherit the consistent good service tradition from now on, offer the finest frozen air conditioning, the best design construction quality to customer, the most perfect after-sale service. 大昌公司在今后的日子里,将秉承一贯的优质服务传统,为客户提供最优良的冷冻空调设备,最好的设计施工质量。